There Are No Green Pastures In Florida


I hope Ze Fly has a good time in FLA. Do me a favor, Fly? Go to a Krispy Kreme (but without your kids) when you get bored with theme parks and wait for someone to piss you off.


As long as I am blogging at this moment, let me give you a little history about the stock market in 1995. With memories of the 1987 crash still fresh in everybody’s minds, even though the market climbed in 1994, a lot of people were bearish at the start of 1995. “This climb can’t continue,” yada, yada, yada. To the consternation of every bear and underinvested bull, the market went up 7 months in a row in 1995 without a monthly pullback. But it gets better — even if I start counting from 1995 (ignoring 1994) the market climbed 11 quarters in a row without a quarterly pullback. Even after that one-quarter pullback, the market charged higher.


We are now in February with about a week and a half left in the month. I am betting this month will be the second month in a row this year that the market goes higher. The first quarter obviously has not ended yet. Wrap your minds around this for a moment: even if the market does not go up 11 quarters in a row from here, what if it goes up only, say, 5?


These days music has escaped my soul. While I wait to recapture it, there will be no more music videos for you. The Fly occasionally has a good one. Listen to his.

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