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Tag Archives: President Obama

Thanks for the Laughs, Mr. President



I want to thank the President for the belly laughs provided in tonight’s  State of the Union speech.  It’s good to know that when his political career is finished, he can always support Michelle and the girls by opening up for Chris Rock or Lewis C K.

Still getting over the stitch in my side from this quote:

I’m a Democrat.  But I believe what Republican Abraham Lincoln believed:  That Government should do for people only what they cannot do better by themselves, and no more.

This claim, mind you, came after he had just laid out a bunch of additional spending promises for (yet more) “new employment training,” extending tuition assistance,  low cost refinancing for underwater mortgages, and of course,  and even more subsidization of the multiple train wreck crony-chocked “clean energy” industry.

There was even more, of course.   Remember this gutbuster?

Let’s never forget:  Millions of Americans who work hard and play by the rules every day deserve a Government and a financial system that do the same.  It’s time to apply the same rules from top to bottom:  No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts.  An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody.

Again, the President said this after bragging about allegedly saving the auto industry by stealing it from bondholders and handing it to the UAW.  He said this whole promising the aforementioned mortgage bailouts and further subsidies of everything from windmills to egregious college tuitions.

A famous commentator today said to watch for the President bringing up “blueprints” for the future.  He mentioned that this was the mark of the Utopian… the “grand plan” of the beloved leader that if only followed, would lead us to prosperity.  Sure enough, the President used the term… twice.

In short, the speech was filled with the same Newspeak nonsense, class warfare, and promises to increase burdens on the private sector that have been the stock of the Obama Economic Takeover since the days when he was riding herd over both houses of Congress with Madame Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Admittedly the guy can deliver a speech as well as Billy “Smoove” Clinton.   He should take this comedy gold one the road in 2013.


Meanwhile, back in the more serious climes of Superbowl host city Indianapolis, I was greatly disheartened after the GOP Response speech of “My Main Man Mitch” Daniels.

No, not because it was a poor response.  No.  In fact it may have been one of the most powerful — and most appropriate — responses to a Statist’s “blueprint” I’ve seen since the Reagan years.

No, my loss of heart was due to Mitch himself.  He was, from the very start of Obama’s Administration, my number one choice for the 45th President of the U.S.   He’s been nothing short of magnificent as an intelligent and powerful Mayor of Indianapolis, and later, Governor of Indiana.  He’s got a big brain and an outstanding temperament.   Unfortunately, it seems he loves his crazy wife more than he feels an obligation to the country.   That’s disappointing, to say the least.

Have a look at this incredible response, and reflect with me on what could have been:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSAmkDUi4PQ 450 300]


CRAAPL crushed after the bell tonight, so I expect we should get more and more of the more tomorrow.  What’s more important to me is that the dollar continues to struggle and silver looks to be holding up in turn.   It remains to be seen what the POTUS’s speech does to the markets tomorrow, but I think I can state that there was nothing especially market moving in the entire catalogue.  The dollar will continue to call the tune.

God Save the U.S.


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