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Tag Archives: powr usd

Sometimes Miracles Happen

miracle baby 

Miraculous events characterize  our lives, and I’m not just talking about market stuff here people. I’m talking about real life arcana, too. “Flashes of the shutter” kind of stuff.

I got some great, great  news today, and it had nothing to do with bidness, or even this not-so-miraculous market revival, although both of those subjects have been full bore eggsellent for me recently, thanks be.

No, I’m talking unexpected news from a friend that made my week.  I’m hoping he’ll perhaps come to these boards and share some of his wit and wisdom with us.  We’ll see.

Back in quotidian world, ADCT (up 41%) was bought out, in miraculous fashion, by notorious planet eater Tyco (TYC). Are we back in the late nineties again? Look for more big M&A’s to continue to power this funny money market. Assets aren’t cheap, but the fiat is.

For my part, while I wait for my golden babies to take off again, the names I gave you last week are ascending like Icarus on a cloudy day. Remember what I’d said about ENTR?

It’s still a buy here, in my humble opinion.

Then there was POWR, which I rolled out at the same time as ENTR….  I think it’s just a little bit behind it’s cell mate, but geared for a similar breakout.   Check the signal:

The explanation for these phenomena is not mysterious.   The dollar, which I thought would breach $85, if you remember my chart from the other day, before returning back to it’s down sloping ways, only made it to $84.56 today before dropping almost a full dollar (no pun intended) from there.  

Disgraceful, but not unexpected.   Trade accordingly, and remember the key Jacksonians.


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