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Tag Archives: Man Made Global Warming Hoax

The Eternally Melting Glacier, and other Myths

Global Warming Emperors Witness Melt Down,  Fully-Clothed
Wow, so this whole global warming meme really is a concentrated hood-wink after all.  Who would ever have thunk it?

I mean, what with International Socialism taking such a sharp stick in the tuchus since the fall of the Soviet Union and all, who would’ve thought those parties interested in heavily regulated authoritarian governance would’ve migrated to a different — if only slightly varied — alarmist message in order to bring forth a similar global regime?

Shoot-fire, it’s not like there was any money in it, right big Al?!  Or any other reason to contrive a bureaucratic-media alliance posing as science?

Take a damp sauna this week and step away from your trading post for a second to offer a short prayer of thanks to whatever Turkey-god unto which you may confer worship.  Thank that idol that this stuff is all starting to break forth, despite the media grandees so emotionally and cognitively invested in keeping this scandal silent.  Thank them also that it’s been broken before the awful “Cap & Trade” legislation passed in the Pelosi House this past summer has been imposed upon our barely ambulatory American economy.  

The faked data, the fudged models, the conspiring “climatologists” — it was all of a piece meant to throw great steel bands of punitive regulation on this economy, bands that would restrict your freedom and funnel funds from states that provided energy to those who used it (and consequently were hurting for cash),  while at the same time carving off a fat “vigorish” to the select captains of finance and government facile enough to “get their piece of the billions” in green economy rent seeking at Joe Six Pack’s expense.

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t have a problem with bankers and financiers seeking to make a buck off a new economic paradigm, as long as it’s one legitimately established and beneficial to society, not parasitical and authoritarian in its intent as this anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hoax has so proven to be.

This thing smelled from the very beginning.   Now it’s grown ripe and broken open.   Be mindful and be wary of a concentrated group think that calls itself “science” but looks and sounds more like authoritarianism, especially since similar efforts are being put forth on behalf of health-care alarmism.   Responsibility is a heavy burden, but one we must take up as citizens and parents.

Bonus piece — The 128 year (and counting) Crisis of the Melting Polar Ice Caps.  (hat tip to Ed Driscoll).


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