Often in Doubt, Sometimes Right
Joined Nov 2, 2015
42 Blog Posts

$AMZN Internet 3.0 in launch mode

A decade and a half after sock puppets, stock muppets, and debt death predictions this juggernaut keeps growing. From shipping books (print!) to rockets that land like in 1950s Sci-Fi and public cloud services and virtual machines which can be “spun up” faster than all those books which rolled on order fulfillment conveyor belts year after year. This thing never looked back after QE 1 became old news. Druckenmiller went from trying to short things like this, to giving in and buying them when 2000 popped and now loves the machine that is AWS. While very sexty apps get marked down by mutual funds that just got on the private equity bandwagon, this is one of the beasts which powers the Internet you know and live with and will make money regardless of who captures the new high ground of messaging as “the platform”, just as it made money (and burned it on R&D bonfires bigger than Burning Man) when the browser wars were a “thing”.


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