TRADE REVIEW $CERN: I went all in on this one


Great day in the $SPY $QQQ $ES_F , some nice flush and we got some nice moves in our live online trading room. We got $CERN for nice gains with 3 adds to it, I pretty much maxed out my trading account on this one and went all in lol, wouldn’t recommend it for any trader, but the setup was so juicy and my prices were so good that I just had to do it. Even if my third add was wrong, I still would have gotten out for a small profit with my risk adjusted stop. Yes, the entries were that great.  Overall Easy easy trade in $CERN .

The trade was even called out live on my twitter and stocktwits stream. Follow me on twitter @dchsn6

I think I should have named the post , how to max out your buying power in hot plays :) . Have a good weekend.

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