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Europe Follows Asia’s Lead & Jumps Higher on a Broad Based Rally… Barclays Does a C Stating They Too Had a Great Start to the Year

U.S. futures are higher on overseas market rallies

March 16 (Bloomberg) — Stocks in Europe and Asia and U.S. index futures rose as the Group of 20 vowed to clean up toxic assets, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the recession may end soon, and Barclays Plc reported a “strong” start to the year.

Barclays climbed 14 percent after the British lender said its businesses continue to perform well. Deutsche Bank AG, Germany’s largest bank, and Prudential Plc, the U.K.’s second- biggest insurer, gained more than 5 percent. Mizuho Financial Group Inc., which has the most credit-related losses of any Asian bank, added 5.6 percent in Tokyo.

The MSCI World Index rose for a fifth straight day, climbing 1.1 percent at 9:27 a.m. in London. The gauge of 23 developed nations has surged 11 percent since March 9 as Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. said they made money during the first two months of 2009. The global measure has still lost 17 percent this year.

“A lot of action has been taken and this is a positive sign,” Justin Urquhart Stewart, who oversees $2 billion as director of 7 Investment Management in London, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. “It’s a bear market, but you can have sizable rallies so you have to take it up, have a little bit more weighting in equities. Banks will recover but it will take some time.”

Treasuries, Yen

The rally in stocks curbed demand for government debt, sending yields on 30-year U.S. Treasuries toward the highest level in four months. The yen fell for a third day against the dollar and the euro on speculation a Bank of Japan plan to buy government debt will spur investors to seek higher-yielding assets overseas.

Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index gained 2.2 percent, extending its five-day rise to 9 percent. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index increased 2 percent as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. advanced.

Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index added 0.8 percent as Citigroup and Bank of America climbed. Fed Chairman Bernanke said in an interview broadcast on CBS Corp.’s “60 Minutes” yesterday that, should the government succeed in stabilizing financial markets, the recession will probably end this year and the economy will expand in 2010.

“Equity markets are set to continue building on last week’s gains,” Matthew Buckland, a dealer at CMC Markets in London, wrote in a note. “Bernanke’s comments in the media over the weekend suggesting that the recession in the U.S. will probably end this year also stands to lift confidence.”


Finance chiefs from the G-20 this weekend vowed to work together to clean up the toxic assets that helped trigger the financial crisis and led banks to rack up more than $1.2 trillion in losses. G-20 officials outlined guidelines on how governments should rid banks of distressed securities.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said separately he will soon announce details of his plan to help banks clean up the non-performing assets that are clogging the financial system.

Barclays surged 14 percent to 84.7 pence. The U.K.’s third- biggest lender also said it has held talks about the sale of its iShares unit. The board has made no decision on the sale of any assets, Barclays said.

Deutsche Bank added 5.2 percent to 27.10 euros. Prudential rose 6.7 percent to 278.25 pence, trimming its 2009 slump to 33 percent.

Financial firms have led the Stoxx 600’s 53 percent tumble since the beginning of last year. The measure has clawed back 9 percent since reaching a 12-year low on March 9.

Citigroup surged 9 percent to $1.94 in pre-market trading in New York. Bank of America gained 3.3 percent to $5.95.

Mitsubishi UFJ jumped 5.3 percent to 441 yen in Tokyo. Mizuho Financial, Japan’s second-largest bank, added 5.6 percent to 189 yen. The Bank of Japan is considering buying subordinated debt from banks to shore up capital, the Nikkei reported today.


TeliaSonera AB, Sweden’s largest telephone company, gained 1.6 percent to 38.60 kronor. UBS AG raised its recommendation to “buy” from “neutral,” citing “solid earnings momentum.”

Banco Popolare SC was one of only three banks in the Stoxx 600 to decline, losing 4.1 percent to 2.36 euros. The first Italian bank to seek state aid during the financial crisis plans to buy the rest of Banca Italease SpA in a 179 million-euro ($227 million) offer, delist the company and reorganize its businesses.

BHP Billiton Ltd., Australia’s biggest oil and gas producer, slipped 3.1 percent to 1,296 pence as oil fell. Crude slumped as much as 5.2 percent after OPEC refrained from cutting output on concern higher energy prices would worsen the recession.

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Bernanke States Many Things Among Which He Believes The Recession Could End in ’09

If the banking system could be stabilized

WASHINGTON – America’s recession “probably” will end this year if the government succeeds in bolstering the banking system, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Sunday in a rare television interview.

In carefully hedged remarks in a taped interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Bernanke seemed to express a bit more optimism that this could be done.

Still, Bernanke stressed — as he did to Congress last month — that the prospects for the recession ending this year and a recovery taking root next year hinge on a difficult task: getting banks to lend more freely again and getting the financial markets to work more normally.

“We’ve seen some progress in the financial markets, absolutely,” Bernanke said. “But until we get that stabilized and working normally, we’re not going to see recovery.

“But we do have a plan. We’re working on it. And, I do think that we will get it stabilized, and we’ll see the recession coming to an end probably this year.”

Even if the recession, which began in December 2007, ends this year, the unemployment rate will keep climbing past the current quarter-century high of 8.1 percent, Bernanke said.

A growing number of economists think the jobless rate will hit 10 percent by the end of this year.

Asked about the biggest potential dangers now, Bernanke suggested a lack of “political will” to solve the financial crisis.

He said, though, that the United States has averted the risk of plunging into a depression.

“I think we’ve gotten past that,” he said.

It’s rare for a sitting Fed chief to grant an interview, whether for broadcast or print. Bernanke said he chose to do so because it’s an “extraordinary time” for the country, and it gave him a chance to speak directly to the American public. (A transcript of the interview was provided in advance of the broadcast.)

Bernanke spoke at a time of rising public anger over financial bailouts using taxpayer money. Battling the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, the government has put hundreds of billions of those dollars at risk to prop up troubled institutions and stabilize the banking system.

Institutions that have been thrown lifelines include American International Group Inc., Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and others.

Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have questioned the effectiveness of the rescue efforts and have demanded more information about how taxpayers’ money is being used.

Bernanke’s TV interview seemed to be part of a government public relations offensive. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on PBS’ “The Charlie Rose Show” last week, discussing the financial crisis and the Obama’s administration’s relief efforts.

The Fed chief on Sunday’s broadcast repeated his ire over the AIG bailout, saying that over the past 18 months, that was the case that angered him the most. He says he “slammed the phone more than a few times on discussing AIG.”

The government’s four efforts to save the troubled insurance giant total more than $170 billion. A collapse of AIG would have wreaked havoc on the global economy, the Fed has said.

AIG ignited fresh outrage over the weekend with news that it’s making $165 million in bonus payments to executives on Sunday, most of them in the unit that sold risky financial contracts that caused huge losses for AIG.

When the financial crisis intensified last fall, Bernanke and President George W. Bush’s Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson rushed to Capitol Hill for help. That led to the swift enactment of a $700 billion bailout package in October. Since then, banks have received billions in capital injections in return for government ownership stakes in them.

Looking back, Bernanke said the world came close to a financial meltdown. Asked how close, Bernanke responded: “It was very close.”

Bernanke admitted that the Fed could have done a better job of overseeing banks. Critics say lax regulatory oversight contributed to the crisis.

Bernanke said he believes all the big banks the Fed regulates are solvent. Big banks won’t fail under his watch, Bernanke said — though, if necessary, the government should try to “wind it down in a safe way.”

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A Little Clarity on Some AIG Bailout Money Ends Up in GS and Other American Banking Firms Hands

At least not all has gone to foreigners

In case you were wondering where on earth all that money went that you shoveled into the black hole known as AIG, we now have a pretty good idea.

* $13 billion of it went to Goldman Sachs
* $12 billion went to Soc Gen
* $12 billion went to Deutsche Bank
* $9 billion went to Barclays
* $7 billion went to Merrill Lynch
* $5 billion went to Bank of America

And so on.

All these firms did business with AIG voluntarily. All these firms knew (or should have known) the risks of doing business with an unregulated firm in an unregulated part of the market. All these firms were willing to take the risk that AIG wouldn’t be able to make good on its commitments.

(Or, more accurately, all these firms were willing to take the risk the government would NOT bail out AIG if it were as dumb and reckless as it looked–and this proved to be a safe and smart bet.)

By now, however, one thing should be clear: The government’s decision to bail out AIG on the terms it did was a colossal mistake. All of the counterparties that were secretly bailed out via the AIG bailout could have and should have shared at least some of the loss. But because incompetence is clearly not confined to those who work in the financial services industry, the American taxpayer will, once again, foot the bill.

Here’s the full list of those who got secret bailouts via AIG, ranked in order of gift. Read it and weep:

Goldman Sachs $12.90 billion 2.5 5.6 4.8

Soc Gen $11.90 billion 4.1 6.9 0.9

Deutsche Bank $11.80 billion 2.6 2.8 6.4

Barclays $8.50 billion 0.9 0.6 7

Merrill Lynch $6.80 billion 1.8 3.1 1.9

Bank of America $5.20 billion 0.2 0.5 4.5

UBS $5.00 billion 0.8 2.5 1.7

BNP Paribas $4.90 billion 0 0 4.9

HSBC $3.50 billion 0.2 3.3

Calyon $2.30 billion 1.1 1.2

Citigroup $2.30 billion 0 0 2.3

Dresdner $2.20 billion 0 0 2.2

DZ Bank $1.70 billion 0.7 1

Wachovia $1.50 billion 0.7 0.8

ING $1.50 billion 0 0 1.5

Morgan Stanley $1.20 billion 0.2 1

Bank of Montreal $1.10 billion 0.2 0.9

Rabobank $0.80 billion 0.5 0.3

Royal Bank of Scotland $0.70 billion 0.2 0.5

AIG Int’l $0.60 billion 0 0 0.6

KFW $0.50 billion 0.5

JP Morgan $0.40 billion 0.4

Credit Suisse $0.40 billion 0 0 0.4

Santander $0.30 billion 0.3

Paloma $0.20 billion 0 0 0.2

Citadel $0.20 billion 0 0 0.2

Danske $0.20 billion 0.2

Reconstruction Finance Corp $0.20 billion 0.2

TOP 18.3 26.7

Other $4.60 billion 4.1 0.5

TOTAL $93.40 billion 22.4 27.2 43.8


Analysis By:

The Business Insider

And here’s the press release, which was no doubt timed to dilute the outrage over the $450 million in bonus payments AIG just made to the division that made all these idiotic commitments in the first place. A.I.G.’s Biggest Counterparties

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Chambers Puts Away the Congenial face and Breaks Out the Prepare for War Face

CSCO getting mean

With a big product launch set for Monday, Cisco Systems Inc. is propelling the technology industry into a new era: Giant companies that once prized profitable cooperation are invading each others’ turfs.
[cisco non-networking products]

Cisco plans to announce it will start building its own servers, the powerful machines that run corporate computer centers across the globe. Its “blade” server, which it designed and developed for two years under unusual secrecy, places it in direct competition with long-time partner Hewlett-Packard Co.

For years, Cisco enjoyed heady growth in its core business of making the switches and routers that allow computers to communicate with each other. Hewlett-Packard dominated the server market. The two cooperated with each other, as well as with the makers of storage devices and software, each providing complementary pieces of the data centers that make corporations and the Internet run.

But that has been changing in recent years. The maturing tech industry has set giant companies on a collision course, as once-disparate technologies take on new capabilities in a “convergence” of computers, software and networking. With the recession expected to shrink sales across the industry, tech companies are turning on each other in their search for growth.

* Sneak Peek at Cisco’s Big Announcement

Since Cisco’s core networking markets began slowing in 2005, it has taken on the likes of H-P, Microsoft Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. It is also picking new fights as it expands into home electronics and entertainment systems for sports stadiums.

Cisco Chief Executive John Chambers says the company expects to deploy its hoard of cash during the economic downturn to expand further into areas where it hasn’t historically competed. In February, the San Jose, Calif., company took on $4 billion in debt in part to add to its war chest for acquisitions. “The fact that we have $29.5 billion gives us a huge competitive advantage,” Mr. Chambers said in an interview just before raising that capital. “Cash is king, queen and the royal family.”

Cisco’s new rivalry with H-P provides a particularly good window into the industry’s latest offensives. As Cisco moves onto H-P’s territory, H-P is stepping up its own investments in networking gear that competes with Cisco’s.
[Chambers, John]

John Chambers

Those outside Cisco say the move into servers could be difficult. “This is, by far, the riskiest, most bold move they [Cisco] have made in their history,” says Zeus Kerravala, an analyst at tech research company Yankee Group.

Cisco’s chief technology officer, Padmasree Warrior, says the company has moved boldly in the past, and suggests the old rules are changing. “We’re going to compete with H-P. I don’t want to sugarcoat that,” she says. “There is bound to be change in the landscape of who you compete with and who you partner with.”

Battles are breaking out across the industry. Within the past year or so, H-P has fueled a new rivalry with IBM in tech outsourcing by buying services giant Electronic Data Systems Inc. Microsoft set its sights on Internet-search giant Google Inc. by attempting to buy Yahoo Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. is moving beyond its core market in servers and software to take on database-software leader Oracle Corp. Later this month, Dell Inc. says it plans to introduce new data-center management software that will compete with existing offerings by H-P, IBM and others.

Other growth industries have followed similar paths into maturity. General Motors Corp. expanded years ago into defense contracting, computer services and mortgages. Textile companies responded to slowing growth by expanding into chemicals.

In the past, when big tech companies made similar incursions into others’ businesses, they often dismissed it as “co-opetition,” meaning they planned to compete in some areas and cooperate in others. Brisk growth across tech markets meant that, even while these companies’ products increasingly overlapped, there was more than enough profit to go around. But this downturn’s severity heightens the impact of these clashes. World-wide tech spending is expected to decline in 2009 — by as much as 3%, predicts forecaster Forrester Research.

“Tech companies can’t continue to satisfy Wall Street’s requirements for growth without encroaching into the markets of their long-time partners,” says Joe Skorupa, an analyst at tech-research company Gartner Inc. “All of these guys are banging into one another trying to figure out where they are going to grow, and at whose expense.”
Cisco’s Shift

Cisco’s case is remarkable for how dramatically the company has shifted its strategy since the turn of the decade.

Founded in 1984, Cisco undertook a high-profile expansion throughout the 1990s, its revenue growing from $69 million to $18.9 billion over the course of the decade. But even into the new millennium, the company remained focused on selling routers and switches to corporations.

In the past few years, the company’s core networking business has grown more slowly than the company as a whole. In its 2008 fiscal year, which ended last July, Cisco’s networking business grew 10%, down from 16% the year before.
[Hurd, Mark]

Mark Hurd

Cisco has compensated by expanding into new areas. It is using its Linksys and Scientific Atlanta brands, which it acquired this decade, to get into people’s homes with wireless networks and cable boxes. It is butting heads with Microsoft over a recent move into technology that unifies email, telephone and voicemail. It has started installing big-screen networks in sports stadiums. Cisco is also taking on physical security companies by pushing video-surveillance systems.

In January, the company introduced a line of wireless home speakers aimed at consumers, a move unimaginable a few years ago. “It’s definitely intimidating,” says Adam Castillo, a marketing director at Avid Technology Inc., which sells competing products through its M-Audio division. Mr. Castillo says that Cisco’s overall size and manufacturing strength immediately make it a force in the segment.

Cisco’s fiercest turf battle is over the data center, the giant computing rooms where companies store, process and route information. Businesses will spend about $100 billion on data-center software and hardware in 2009, research company IDC forecasts.

Data centers typically have been a cozy symbiosis of products from a mix of companies: Cisco networking gear runs alongside servers from H-P or IBM or Dell; software from Microsoft runs along with programs from BMC Software Inc. or VMware Inc. But as lines between software, hardware and network technologies have blurred in recent years, companies like Cisco see an opportunity to grab more data-center dollars.

That’s a reversal from 2003, when a team at Cisco studied the market for servers to see if Cisco should make its own. The group concluded that the market was big — around $50 billion a year. But Cisco decided not to develop a server, say people familiar with the discussions. Profit margins were low, the company decided. The cost of entry would be high, as the most successful server sellers have armies of consultants who help companies choose which equipment to buy.

Plus, setting up a server business would mean competing with IBM and H-P, two partners that were generating huge revenues for Cisco. Field consultants for the two tech giants were pitching not only IBM or H-P servers but also Cisco products — sales that currently account for $2 billion a year, or 5% of Cisco’s overall sales, according to Pacific Crest Securities Inc. H-P’s then-CEO, Carly Fiorina, was a Cisco director.

The goal then was to not upset IBM or H-P, say people familiar with the decision.
H-P Moves In

Allegiances began to change in 2005, when Mark Hurd took over as H-P’s chief executive. The Palo Alto, Calif., company had been making its own networking gear for more than 20 years, but its ambitions for the products had been modest. Mr. Hurd called attention to the networking products during a company meeting shortly after he was named CEO, says a person who attended — a surprise because the unit had a low profile under Ms. Fiorina. Mr. Hurd pushed H-P further into the profitable networking-gear business, emphasizing H-P networking gear over Cisco’s.

That year, H-P increased its investment in developing new networking products, says Marius Haas, who now heads the networking division. The company would also eventually increase the incentives for its sales force to sell H-P gear, rather than certain Cisco products.

By 2006, the amount of Cisco equipment sold by H-P and IBM was no longer growing at the same rate as Cisco’s own sales, say people with knowledge of those numbers.

Cisco laid the groundwork for a counterattack in August 2006, when it paid $50 million for a controlling stake in Nuova Systems Inc., a networking start-up. In early 2007, Mr. Chambers authorized Nuova to develop a Cisco-branded blade server, say people familiar with the matter. Nuova operated as an independent unit with its own offices, heightening the project’s secrecy.

Blade servers, named for their slim vertical profile, are the fastest-growing part of the server market. H-P had 55% of the blade-server segment by revenue in the last quarter of 2008, according to research company IDC, followed by IBM with 22%. IBM declined to comment for this article.

Some Cisco executives still agreed with the 2003 analysis that favored partnerships, arguing that taking on H-P in servers was a bad business move. Big tech companies, says one person involved in the project, will often bump up against each other in overlapping projects, but will benefit from remaining cooperative on others. “There are always smoldering fires,” this person says. “Deciding to build a server was deciding to pour gasoline on a smoldering fire.”

Nonetheless, Cisco moved ahead. By fall 2007, the company was touting the server to customers, say people familiar with its sales presentations. But Cisco didn’t tell H-P about the project, even though the two companies routinely had detailed sales discussions, say people familiar with the talks, and maintained an official strategic alliance that continues to exist.

Mr. Chambers kept a tight lid on the project. Ms. Warrior, Cisco’s chief technology officer, met with the Nuova team in her first week with the company in March 2008. But she says she didn’t learn of its server plans until the next month, when Cisco bought the rest of Nuova. H-P wasn’t convinced that Cisco was planning to sell its own server until the second half of 2008, say people familiar with H-P’s dealings with Cisco.

Ms. Warrior says the company’s system isn’t intended as a direct replacement for models from H-P and IBM. She says it is unlike others on the market because it combines server and network, eliminating the need for information-technology staff to integrate the components on their own. It also automates some functions that are currently separate.


To make up for its lack of an in-house consulting business, Cisco in February aligned itself with Accenture Ltd. and India-based Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Both companies will establish practices to sell Cisco products to businesses.

H-P has stepped up its offensive. For the past several months, it has been trying to fill “holes in our portfolio” by increasing its networking offerings to many large corporate clients, says Mr. Haas, H-P’s networking chief. Last fall, members of Mr. Haas’s staff started calling smaller companies that sell networking products that compete with those made by Cisco. In the last few months of 2008, H-P struck deals with more than a dozen of them, packaging their products into a single piece of H-P networking gear.

The new product, which H-P rolled out in January, comes with free product updates — a service Cisco customers need to pay for — undercutting Cisco’s prices, say analysts and companies that sell Cisco gear.

The turf grabs have gained the attention of the independent consultants who assemble computer networks and data centers that include Cisco equipment. Some of these Cisco resellers spent half an hour at a recent meeting with Cisco executives, complaining that they were losing sales because they couldn’t compete with H-P’s offer of free support. Cisco’s execs had no answer at the time, according to a person who attended the meeting. Another Cisco reseller said “my phone blew up” with calls from angry Cisco executives when he recently announced plans to sell H-P’s networking gear as well.

Since then, Cisco has started offering 0% financing on some of its equipment. Overall, Cisco says, resellers account for 80% of its revenue. “Over the years, we’ve addressed numerous competitive challenges with our partners,” says Keith Goodwin, a senior vice president. “Our track record of success speaks for itself.”

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Obama and Geithner are Expected to Announce a Plan to Increase Lending: the World is Hopeful

This plan is laser focused for SBA

The US Government will today announce a multibillion-dollar plan to boost lending to small businesses in the hope of stimulating jobs growth.

President Obama and Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, will say that they plan to increase the guarantees available through the Small Business Administration (SBA), which makes loans to small businesses and guarantees bank loans.

Christine Romer, chairwoman of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, said yesterday that the Government considered small businesses to be the engine behind economic growth. “We absolutely want to do things to help them,” she said.

Small business has accounted for about 70 per cent of job creation over the past ten years. However, the US unemployment rate hit 8.1 per cent last month and is expected to increase to 10 per cent by the end of the year as the recession bites further.

The SBA currently offers to guarantee 85 per cent of loans up to $150,000 and up to 75 per cent of bigger loans.

However, the amount guaranteed by the SBA is plunging – down from $20 billion in a normal year to less than $10 billion in guarantees expected this year – as banks decline to offer loans to small businesses.

Lenders usually then sell these loans in a secondary market, but this has dried up as investors shy away from the credit market.

Ms Romer said: “We have talked to a lot of small-business owners and one of the troubles that they are having is that community banks don’t want to lend to them because the secondary market in SBA loans has virtually disappeared.”

The Government plans to push up the maximum guarantees offered by the SBA to 90 per cent for some loans, as well as to buy loans in order to get the secondary market moving.

It has not yet said how much it plans to spend on buying loans, but sources indicated that this would range from $10 billion to $20 billion. This in turn would come from the $787 billion economic stimulus package that President Obama announced last month.

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