Joined Feb 3, 2009
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Asian Markets Open Higher Despite Plummeting Consumer Confidence

Japans Consumer confidence is still plummeting

Asian stocks climb on auto speculation and higher commodity prices

April 1 (Bloomberg) — Asian stocks gained, led by automakers and commodity producers, on speculation the U.S. will let General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC fail, and after raw- material prices rose.

Honda Motor Co., which generates more than half its sales in North America, climbed 6.9 percent and South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co. added 5.2 percent on optimism they will boost U.S. market share. The U.S. government is prepared to let Chrysler go bankrupt and be sold off piecemeal, while General Motors appears headed for a prepackaged bankruptcy, people familiar with the matter said. Santos Ltd., Australia’s No. 3 oil and gas producer, rose 2.8 percent after oil prices climbed.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index gained 1.8 percent to 82.41 as of 10:52 a.m. in Tokyo, following a two-day, 5.3 percent slump. The gauge rose 7.6 percent last month, its first advance in 2009, as some investors bet governments worldwide will succeed in easing the financial crisis and reviving global growth.

“I would say we are cautiously optimistic about the outlook of the economy going forward,” said Diane Lin, a Sydney-based fund manager at Pengana Capital, which oversees about $1.9 billion. “Globally, the Japanese auto industry is the most competitive, and because of concern about the outlook and about the U.S., these companies are trading on very attractive valuations.”

Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Average rose 2.4 percent to 8,301.50. South Korea’s Kospi Index climbed 2.6 percent. Australia’s key index was little changed, with gains limited as the nation’s manufacturing slumped for a 10th consecutive month. OneSteel Ltd., Australia’s No. 2 steelmaker, slumped 7.1 percent after extending production cuts.

Automaker Bankruptcies

Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slumped 1 percent, following the gauge’s 1.3 percent rally yesterday. Futures accelerated declines as news of the U.S. government’s plans for the automakers emerged.

U.S. President Barack Obama will let Chrysler go bankrupt and be sold off piecemeal if the third-largest U.S. automaker can’t form an alliance with Fiat SpA, said members of Congress who have been briefed on the subject and two other people familiar with the administration’s deliberations. A prepackaged bankruptcy for GM appears to be inevitable, the people said.

U.S. March auto sales data due later today are expected to come in at an annualized rate of 8.8 million vehicles, which would be the lowest since December 1981, according to economists in a Bloomberg News survey.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index’s March rally pared its decline last quarter to 9.7 percent amid growing signs the global recession is hurting corporate earnings.

Tankan Survey

The Bank of Japan’s quarterly Tankan survey of sentiment among large manufacturers that was released today fell to minus 58, a record low and worse than economists had predicted.

Capital spending plans only dropped by half as much as economists had forecast and managers said they expect a rebound in profits starting in the second half of the financial year that begins today.

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso said yesterday his administration will compile a third stimulus package by mid- April to address the “economic crisis.”

Crude oil for May delivery rose 2.6 percent to $49.66 a barrel in New York yesterday, capping an 11 percent gain over three months. A measure of six primary metals traded in London advanced 2.1 percent.

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Editorial: From Mises Institute – Is The Economy A Perpetual Motion Machine ?

The Paradox of Thrift

The lead story of the March 9, 2009, edition of Newsweek says it all: “Stop Saving Now!”

Writer Daniel Gross declares,

For our $14 trillion economy to recover and thrive, hoarders must open their wallets and become consumers, and businesses must once again be willing to roll the dice. Nobody is advocating a return to the debt-fueled days of 4,000-square-foot second homes, $1,000 handbags and $6 specialty coffees. But in our economy, in which 70 percent of activity is derived from consumers, we do need our neighbors to spend. Otherwise we fall into what economist John Maynard Keynes called the “paradox of thrift.” If everyone saves during a slack period, economic activity will decrease, thus making everyone poorer. We also need to start investing again—not necessarily in the stock of Citigroup or in condos in Miami. But rather to build skills, to create the new companies that are so vital to growth, and to fund the discovery and development of new technologies.

Now, this should hardly be surprising, coming from Newsweek, which has managed to mangle everything from economic analysis to the Duke lacrosse case. Furthermore, it is based upon economic myths that are repeated twice weekly by Paul Krugman at the New York Times and Larry Summers in the White House — and about every other public intellectual.

However, we need to remind ourselves that we are hearing myths that not only represent wrongheaded economic thinking but that are also driving the US economy into a deep depression through reckless spending and resource destruction. The actions of Obama and the Beltway are political in nature, but they have the veneer of economic “theory.”

If I can put the whole Keynesian set of fallacies into one statement, it would be this: the modern Keynesians believe that the economy operates like a perpetual motion machine, with government spending being the “grease” that keeps it from slowing down. The “friction” in this economic machine, according to the pundits, is private saving. Eliminate it, and the economy goes on forever, adding energy and expanding indefinitely.

Such a notion, of course, is nonsense and dangerous and delusional. In fact, everything Gross says about the economy represents a view that becomes destructive when carried into policy. Therefore, it is imperative that we lay out what the real foundations of an economy are and point out that the present behavior by consumers is badly needed if there is to be an economic recovery.

The first thing to do is to explain that the “paradox of thrift” is simply wrong. This “paradox” is based upon the belief that if people increase their savings during an economic downturn, they consume even less, thus driving the economy further down. People respond by saving even more until the economy implodes into a perverse “equilibrium” of high savings, low spending, and widespread unemployment.

Such a viewpoint is based upon the theory of the “perpetual motion” of an economy in which there is a “circular flow”: individual households combine with firms and government to produce goods that, in turn, are consumed by individual households. As long as this flow goes on unimpeded (or as long as consumers spend as much as they can), the economy will perform admirably with full employment.

However, if consumers save or “hoard” some of their money, then there will be a “leakage” from the system, which means that households cannot “buy back” the products they have produced. The unpurchased goods then pile up in the inventories, so businesses must then cut back production and lay off workers. This further triggers consumer uncertainty, which means they save even more money, and we are off to the downward races. Paul Krugman writes,

One way to look at the international situation right now is that we’re suffering from a global paradox of thrift: around the world, desired saving exceeds the amount businesses are willing to invest. And the result is a global slump that leaves everyone worse off.

So that’s how we got into this mess. And we’re still looking for the way out.

To combat this evil, government must fill the spending hole until savers realize that they can have confidence to become reckless spenders again. However, if government fails to act, then the economy will fall into an even deeper hole.

Such a view is hardly the product of modern intellectuals. Nearly three centuries ago, Bernard Mandeville wrote the “Fable of the Bees,” which is an intelligent way of phrasing the economic doctrines championed by Keynes and Krugman. Likewise, others have claimed that unless consumers are forced to spend and spend, the perpetual motion machine known as an economy will grind to a halt, done in by the friction of what Karl Marx called the “internal contradictions” of capitalism.

Yet there is another view that has been well stated by Austrian economists such as Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, and Murray Rothbard. In the present era, investment analyst Peter Schiff has been carrying a lot of the water. After having been scorned for years on the financial talk shows, he is finally receiving a small amount of respect.

In this view, the economy grows because the very structure of production — the mix of capital goods, resources, and labor — is put in line with the patterns of spending and saving by consumers and households. This is not a circular activity in which production is propped up by spending and cheap credit that accrues back to the households. Instead, the act of saving provides a means for producers to obtain capital, and capital goods are then used to produce more goods using fewer resources so that the newly freed resources can be used to produce those things that were unavailable before.

This is a viewpoint that recognizes the law of scarcity. It also recognizes that more consumption is made possible only by more production, but production that is done in line with both the spending and saving patterns of individuals in the economy. If lines of capital are created that are not compatible with saving and spending patterns set by consumers, then the capital is malinvested.

Malinvestment does not occur by accident. It happens because the government, through monetary authorities, has suppressed real interest rates and has touched off a credit-inspired boom that cannot be sustained. We first saw that in the stock-market bubble and then later in the housing bubble. In both cases, the monetary authorities chose to hold down rates of interest to below-market levels and then to encourage people to borrow, borrow, borrow.

Both the stock market and housing “booms” made it seem like the economy was in great shape. (Arthur Laffer told Peter Schiff in 2006 something akin to “the American economy has never been better,” while excoriating Schiff for saying that the US economy was teetering on the brink of disaster.) In his book about the Clinton administration, Paul Begala declared that the economy during Bill Clinton’s years in power was “the best economy ever.” Indeed, booms are fun while they last, but they must always end.

The US economy — indeed, the world economy — is in peril not because people suddenly have stopped spending and borrowing. Instead, it is in peril because government policies have led to massive malinvestments that markets (without the permission of government) are liquidating as we speak. Furthermore, we see the Obama administration demonizing the very sectors of the US economy — such as energy — that have shown strength.

Instead of facing the truth and permitting not only the malinvestments to fail, but a real recovery to take shape, Obama, Krugman, and their allies are insisting that all this “perpetual motion machine” known as an economy needs is a little more spending to lubricate the gears and send it on its merry way. The truth is elsewhere, but the pundits and the political classes have stopped up their ears, shielded their eyes, and continued to run toward the edge of the cliff, demanding that the rest of us follow them.

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Market Movers & S&P Case Schiller Home Price Index: Prior -18.55% / MKT Expects 18.6% / Actual – 19% for 20 city composite and -19.4% for a 10 city composite

Stocks on the move

Asia / Pacific Exchanges

European Exchanges

Commodities Board

Currencies Board

Metals Board

Energy Board

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Mish Points Out A Very “Noble” Act by IBM

A Patent to calculate how to offshore jobs while maimizing government tax breaks

By Christine Young
Times Herald-Record
Posted: March 30, 2009 – 2:00 AM

As IBM was firing thousands of American workers last week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published Big Blue’s application to copyright a computerized system that calculates how to offshore jobs while maximizing government tax breaks.

Update: IBM withdraws its application, calling it an error.

In their application to patent a “method and system for strategic global resource sourcing,” five Hudson Valley IBMers describe how it weighs such plans as “50 percent of resources in China by 2010,” against such factors as labor costs, infrastructure and the “minimum head count to qualify for incentives.”

The five Westchester County inventors, Ching-hua Chen-ritzo, Daniel Patrick Connors, Markus Ettl, Mayank Sharma, and Karthik Sourirajan, submitted the application to the patent office in September 2007, but it took a year and a half for that patent to be published online.

None could be reached by telephone Sunday except Ching-hua Chen-ritzo of Mahopac, who declined to comment, and attempts to reach IBM were unsuccessful.

Lee Conrad, national coordinator for Alliance@IBM, a group trying to unionize Big Blue, was stunned to learn of the application.

“This is obviously outrageous — a patent on how to offshore U.S. jobs,” Conrad said. “IBM is obviously doing all it can to decimate the U.S. work force, and it is all the more reason why IBM should not get any tax breaks or stimulus money. They clearly are abandoning the U.S. work force.”

The application says the system weighs moving into or out of a particular country against criteria such as wages, political systems, “incentive contracts” and the economic impact of “violating and/or satisfying those incentives.”

In January, IBM reported that about 115,000, or 29 percent, of its global work force of about 400,000, is in the United States.

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