Joined Feb 3, 2009
1,759 Blog Posts

Weekend Edition

Histories Mysteries
I’m always interested in time forgotten.

More of Histories Mysteries
Bosnia a new old world attraction

Calling all cleat travelers
I’m always looking for places to travel on the cheap ! I’m also an avid fan of sailing so enjoy !

Insanity Files
No really it is good for you !

Health Matters
I am a carnivore. Let me rephrase that; I’m an omnivore. The surprising results of vegetables…and not the canned or frozen variety !

Calling all foodies
Again we have another story from the restaurant scene where the finest places are trying to get you in the door. Iconoclastic chefs are serving hot dogs to drum up bar biz and Food Gods like Thomas Keller has gone a’ la carte. Great time for you plebs to get a taste of high society.

Calling all motor heads
$109k is all you need

What’s That You Say ?
The next Dali ?

No Drugs Required
A mind trip for you

Don’t Forget to Laugh
D.C. from D.C.

Keep on Laughing

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  1. Juice

    Cronkite, those Ica stones were forgeries by Basilio Ochuas. He engraved into the old stones, what he gleaned out of newspapers, periodicals and specialty-Journals. Ochuas was a grave robber who earned his livelihood, in that he disgraced old graves and stole the grave addition, that he sold to tourists and collectors. Gradually members of his family also helped the counterfeiter in order to engrave the stones, and to be sure on the basis of the drawings, that Basilio Ochuas had prepared out of the newspapers and journals.

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    Really…that is why you can not believe everything you see on the net. Too bad it seemed to be a cool story.

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