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GS Cuts Global Growth Forecast, They See the Global Economy Shrinking by 1%

This is their second cut with fears over Europe

March 13 (Bloomberg) — Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut its forecast for the global economy for the second time in eight days after predicting a deeper recession in Europe.

“Following the reduction of our Euroland growth forecast to minus 3.6 percent in 2009, the world economy is now likely to contract by 1 percent this year,” said London-based Goldman economist Binit Patel. On March 5 Goldman lowered its 2009 outlook for world gross domestic product to a drop of 0.6 percent from a 0.2 percent decline.

Finance ministers from around the world are meeting near London today and tomorrow to find a way to battle the world recession. Governments have pumped billions of dollars into financial systems to prop up banks and other industries after the worldwide credit squeeze stifled growth.

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  1. certain about his uncertainty
    certain about his uncertainty

    I always thought that where one country shrinks another grows…
    so where’s the money flowing if an economy is shrinking? Does it just mean credit is contracting and there is 1%less money and credit, or that people are consuming 1% as much, or that we are producing 1% less than we are consuming? or just producing 1% less regardless of how much we are consuming?

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    The last is probable….we are also consuming less which may mean we will see inventory pile up. As for the money it is probably just sitting idle in money markets….

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