Back In (The) Black


It has been a while since the world was graced with prose from yours truly. It is now summer, and girls are wearing sundresses. Danger and play abound, verily, and I have been on the prowl, as a white tiger. Booze has been drank, in excess, and glances have been exchanged, with success. Alas, there was no time for speculation. Yes, dear Nerds, I do have other interests besides speculation, such as women, alcohol, motorcycles and fiction. I cannot indulge in all at once, as I have a soul-sucking job which I must attend. No matter – the tides are turning and Lord Keynes must be obeyed. Speculate, I will, and profit, I must.

Many things have I said I would write, that I have not. As I have been gone for a few months, with only an intermittent appearance, I will now continue my ascent to the Superman. I shall wipe clean my slate of trades, even though I have enjoyed two tremendously profitable trades in the last week. I bought FB July calls early last week and sold them on Friday, and I sold OREX calls (yes, again) at $0.60 today, only for them to drop to $0.20 by EOD. Let’s start anew. It’s time to get Back in (the) Black.
Carry on.

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