

I’m simply delighted with my positions. They not only make me money, but also spit in the faces of all those holding paper money. Face it, we all know US dollars are worthless. I will plaster my wall with worthless US dollar bills within 10 years. This is an an inevitability. Mind you, I do hold US dollars as defensive diversification. However, I expect these dollars to serve only as memories of a forgotten time.

My victories will continue with the following strategy; Buying new highs, selling new lows. That’s my game. I’m not trying to buy low and sell high. That shit is for losers, who will enter bankruptcy within months. Buying low implies going against the market. It means you are buying a loser and any small margin of success you achieve will be of absolute luck and nothing more. Buying high implies running with the market. This is the secret to success: Buy high, sell higher. Anyone who tells you the contrary is dull and has certainly lost much wealth in the markets.

That said, the SPX is about to break 1,292. The first time to break the high of October. This is very bullish, providing the market can sustain this level. Any signs of exhaustion have not yet to be seen and I expect Wednesday to continue this trend(Jeez, trends still exist?). Things I currently expect upside include; PM’s and Equities. Keep in mind, equities are valued in worthless paper. While PM’s, are valued by whatever some nut job will pay you.

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