

Again, I find myself shorting weak stocks that will only continue to get weaker. I opened a short position in GMCR this morning and will be expecting them to announcement bankruptcy shortly. Yesterday was complete trash and I can only hope today will be better. I will be building my position today and soon expect to be short more shares then the EU needs Euro’s for that bullshit IMF bailout.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the IMF just bail out the EU? Now the EU is bailing out the IMF? Excuse me, but what in the fuck is going on here? I haven’t the faintest clue anymore. The news changes on an hourly basis and trying to decipher the truth from the rumor is on track to be the plot for the next mission impossible movie. It’s absolutely fucking stupid and I’m quite sick of it.

There is no doubt in my mind that we move lower(short term who knows). The bulls seems to be grasping at straws and have about as much conviction as O.J on a murder charge. It’s fucking ridiculous in my eyes that people are looking for longs here. There will come a time when everyone is as bearish as me. Until that time, I’m going to be watching for shorts during all rallies.

P.S I have covered GMCR, and will be continuing my search for shit to blow up. I would like to make an effort not to over trade this market.

I hold no current market positions.

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