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Tag Archives: $YGE

Still Pressing the Boot

I’ve been on the long side all morning, both in the futures and the stocks.  Well, I came into the day long stocks and enjoyed a nice 2 percent drawdown on my swings to start the day.

Now it’s practically green.  Si!

One thing isn’t working at all and that’s solar.  I chased YGE and FSLR yesterday, nearly buying their respective highs, and you see the result today.  Both positions are down over 5 percent and not catching a bid.

Therefore I’m trading everything else that is catching a bid to make up the ground being lost by these solar issuances.  They haven’t told me I’m wrong yet.  Unfortunately, I’ll have to be about 10 percent wrong to know it’s the case.  Such is the life of an overeager speculator.  Position accordingly.

Aside from my bashed on the head by Japanese men wielding solar panels it’s a good day.  We filled a 15 handle gap, a pro gap as they say.  The pros filled the pro gap and did so with the steady hand of accumulation.

I still like this tape to the long side.  I scaled some LEDS too soon, at $1.98.

My new longs are more YY and some ODP, yes…you know me.

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I’ve come to live by one saying in today’s markets and it’s, “get it while it’s here, boy.”  Because in complete honesty, any spectacular hype surrounding pockets of momentum won’t feel the same next year, week, or even hour.  When a stock is hot, it’s hot.  Higher highs, higher lows, and cocaine dances.  When it’s not, it’s National Bank of Greece.

We are undergoing a slight bounce back after a brutal five percent correction.  Did you blink?  You may have missed it.  As investors peer out of their bunkers, weary from the bombs dropped on their person, they see a strange sight.  It’s Sir Raul, dressed in ceremonial red marching regalia, tap dancing through a mine field.  The sight is so unexpected, so beautiful, they don’t even reach for their gun, they simply watch.

Just as I clear the field and hunker down into a foxhole with many women and Chairman Mao! You come to your senses attempt to clear the field.  You saw the path I took, you see how effortless it was.  You go for it.  Only at that very moment a B-52 bomber blankets the entire field with liquid hot napalm.  You’re dead.  Keep that in mind.

I’m nearly filled to the gullet with high spec, high momentum names.  Names like YGE, FSLR, DDD, YY, LEDS, and more.  I’ll either party all week long with The Chairman, or suffer the very possible drone strike after the NSA hones in on my cell phone whist I order pizza.

It appears the market has gone completely stagnant as I write. Regardless, PRESS THE BOOT!

The only stocks sold were those that will not aggressively appreciate in value.  I cut AAPL and TSLA.

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