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Brazil Says They May Face Limits in Weakening Their Currency

Brazil’s government faces limits on how much it can do to prevent its currency from strengthening, Trade Minister Fernando Pimentel said.

“Beyond what the central bank already does, there isn’t much more than can be done,” Pimentel said yesterday in an interview in Port-au-Prince as he accompanied President Dilma Rousseff on her state visit to Haiti. “There’s a limit to our capacity to prevent this appreciation of the real.”

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Slow Motion Bubble Bursting

If you missed the last documentary on Friday the 13th then i suggest you hold your nose on foreign policy accusation and read in between the lines…. I promise if you endure the 2 hours presented here; your mind will be blown away.

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbrjRKB586s 450 300]



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