Joined Nov 11, 2007
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Islamic Caliphate is Born, World War III has BEGUN!

“Insanity is coming at US in huge waves. This week really saw a lot of new tea leaves presented to those working through the puzzle of the MAN MADE disaster. We are indeed living in interesting times, and I believe they will be studied and written about for decades and centuries into the future. I also believe this time period offers the greatest opportunity’s in history if played from an applied Austrian economic perspective, and a good handle on history. They are one and the same actually. So let’s look at some of the vignettes we covered this week:

  • An Islamic Caliphate has been born, World War III has BEGUN!
  • Central Banks Lifeboating themselves
  • Highest Market Cap for US bank since 2001?
  • The Dollar and the DODO bird
  • Friday night info dump
  • SILVER coiled and ready to LAUNCH?
  • Federal Reserve FOLLIES
  • Political correctness that short circuits an invaluable gathering of EXPERIENCE

An Islamic Caliphate has been born, World War III has BEGUN!

Lightly covered by the Mainstream News, a new and vicious ISLAMIC caliphate has been born and World War III has commenced. The Middle East will be irreparably changed in the near future or should I say engulfed in FLAMES. The spineless leaders of the developed world have allowed order to be DESTROYED rather than place the proper emphasis on peace through strength. Now we will pay the price of the breach for their fiduciary duties. Teddy Roosevelt in 1907 said: “walk softly and carry a big stick”, sadly those wise words have been lost and forgotten. Relearning this will be extremely difficult as humpty dumpty has fallen, and putting him back together again may be an impossible task. Global and regional leadership is dead in the developed world: where are the Reagans, Churchill’s and Thatcher’s of the world for this generation. The bold leaders NOW with visions for the future reside in the Chinas, Russias, Singapores and al Qaedas of the world.

“If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly. It means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom.”

– President Ronald Reagan, 1983

The Caliphate calls itself ISIS (the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria) and is a ruthless Al Qaeda political force. Numerous reports of beheadings, mass executions and random killings to foster TERROR in the eyes of their opponents are occurring and it is working. If you are a Christian or Shiite Muslim, the sentence is immediate death upon discovery or capture. Thousands have already been executed already and posted on the internet. A small army of less than 10,000 men has faced and beaten forces 10 times their size.

Soldiers are taking off their uniforms to avoid certain death that capture insures. Then, the terrorists take the discarded uniforms and use them to move freely behind enemy lines. They have now captured major IRAQI military bases and are well armed and supplied with MODERN WEAPONS. At this point, stopping them is not an option. They then retain the territory, oil fields, refineries and the funds for future JIHAD. I can promise you 10’s of thousands of jihadists are making their way there from around the world to participate in the JIHAD state. They have already looted over $450,000,000 million dollars from banks, while the oil insures ongoing income. This is not a group that wants to live peacefully with their neighbors. No, they want to consolidate long enough to develop plans for the next excursion to expand their territory, treasure and sharia law.

“The Syrians and the Iraqis have made their own beds–so why stick our noses in now? The answer is that al Qaeda, ISIS and others will not stop at Iraq and Syria. Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others will be next.”

– General Jack Keane ret.

To them, it is convert to Sunni Islam or be killed as INFIDELS. For many of the terrorists that will not be enough and if they capture the US embassy (to me this is just a matter of time, just like the Viet Nam War). The carnage and death to many Americans is assured. Mercy is and will not be considered. It is part of their power over their adversaries. The power of abject FEAR!

In my opinion the greatest manmade disaster and OPPORTUNITY in history is unfolding in every corner of the world. Are you diversified or operating with EYES WIDE SHUT? Are you prepared to turn it into opportunity by properly diversifying your portfolio? Adding absolute return investments which have the potential to thrive (up and down markets) regardless of what unfolds economically or politically? This is what I do for investors; help them diversify into investments which are created to potentially thrive in the storm. For a personal FREE consultation with me CLICK HERE!

The main stream news breathlessly reports the news without telling the audience the grim conclusions that can already be made. The administration is calling for a multi ethnic reconciliation of the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds before help is considered, placing an impossible task for the Iraqi government on the table to prevent the US from having any possibility providing assistance. This type of reconciliation takes weeks and months to accomplish… do you really think that republicans and democrats could reconcile overnight in Washington? The world knows through the experience of the last 6 years that there is no challenge or previous commitment from which America will not retreat. This administration in Washington has systematically undermined the strongmen of the Middle East and, if we ever find out the truth, maybe had a hand in overthrowing them. Did any of you think someday you would be rooting for IRAN to prevail in IRAQ? Me neither but now it is in my daily prayers as the developed world will just sit around and let us be destroyed. There is no shrinking from this moment. We must confront it or be killed by it as we shall soon see!

“Think subcontracting the job to Iran is the right call? Surely, no one wishes a Middle East managed by the ayatollahs in Tehran. Don’t care? Remember the admonition of the 9/11 Commission: “The most important failure was one of imagination.” Imagine what controlling vast areas of the Middle East will do for extremists of all stripes.”

– General Jack Keane ret.

Say what you will about Saddam Hussein, Moamar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak, strong men and dictators who held power in an iron and sadistic grip. But they all understood the DEADLY NATURE of FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAM and DID NOT ALLOW IT TO GAIN FOOTHOLDS in their COUNTRIES. They also controlled the thousands of years of tribal animosities in their countries, which as we can see was and is enormous. Just stopping ISIS is insufficient. They must completely be vanquished and the territory they hold liberated. Nothing less, or a regional war will widen into conflicts/attacks throughout Europe and then the world. Nothing like that will be considered by the developed world and many in the Middle East wish to see the latter happen. ISIS has been primarily funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait up to this point. Since the conflict has flared, Putin has sent arms, tanks and supplies into Ukraine in the last week. When can we expect the next move by China to be? Will they widen their grasp of the South China Sea? SOON! A weak US military and NATO will be challenged as NEVER BEFORE around the world. The socialists and leaders of the developed world are weak as kittens and spineless as worms. Mark my word, World War III has JUST BEGUN!


It has been a wild and woolly weekend as the news just keeps shocking a numb population too weary to keep up with the tea leaves: Important announcements about central banks lifeboating themselves from their own money printing, rotating HUGE parts of their reserves from INTANGIBLE financial assets to tangibles.

Central Banks Lifeboating themselves…..”


Full article

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  1. TJWP

    Big surprise to hear a general telling us to “use our imaginations” to imagine what terrible things could happen if we don’t interfere yet again.

    Here is the thing, the ISIS has nothing to do with our Western States, and is a brand of Sunni Islam propigated by Saudi Arabia – lets let them bear the costs in lives and money to clean up this mess. Maybe Isreal will get a chance to use that military aid for something besides shooting unarmed teenagers.

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    • drummerboy

      don’t be ignorant.i don’t know where you live.but i have seen how this culture has taken rock solid neighborhoods and turned them into their own kind of m.e.ghetto.the holy war has begun.when these mother fuckers get their fucking way about an AMERICAN FLAG being offensive to them,then you better wake the fuck up.what you all need to worry about now as traders,is that saudi arabia is being cuddled by china and russia now to “de-dollarize” they have changed their minds against the u.s. how the fuck are we supposed to trade on that!!!!!!! isis is there for dollar hegemony,it’s on fucking life support and it’s last fucking gasp is to behead,take over and blow up oil wells, fuck up towns,wipe out villages,and commit fucking genocide,and then falsely import it here for the grandest false flag and crash the dollar all at the same time.so…………..lets start loading up the fema camps with all the jihadist’s,……..because dontcha ya know,we gotta blame someone for the dollar collapse!

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      • TJWP

        So how does bombing them in Syria help your neighborhood. That is the pinical of American ignorance right there. Maybe your youth identify with fucked up movements like the ISIS and global Jihad because your society is so fucked up there are no positive role models within their own communities?

        Of course, being typically American your solution is to bomb someone half a world away instead of looking in the mirror and realizing it is YOUR society that is the problem with YOUR young people.

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        • drummerboy

          first off, your right,i am an american,my parents came from the middle east,when i was growing up i called them dumb fuck foreigners.you see,my grand parents fled armenia during the turkish ottoman genocide of the armenians,and for a dumb fuck born here,i know way more about middle eastern culture than even assholes like john kerry.my dad spoke four languages,and wrote in everyone.i speak three languages myself. you,,,,,,who probably fucking knows nothing about middle eastern culture and the fucking trash that they are.and thats aside from religion.i could give two fucking shits about religion.come to chicago,go to devon avenue,used to be 100% jewish and the housing stock was beautiful.these fucking slum dogs come in,chase the jews out,and turn a 150 year old beautiful community, and turn it into a fucking hell hole.get educated, because you surely don’t know what the fuck your talking about……..if it were up to me,i would behead the likes of isis. you know how many “CHRISTIAN” armenians,and ASSYRIANS fled the genocide of 1915-18 to aleppo syria??????????????? fucking millions. when you know what you think your talking about,then you can tell me what kind of american i am,ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!

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          • TJWP

            You need to read more and tone down the personal attacks.

            All I’m pointing out is you are an idiot for blaming a change in your local community on a jihadist group half a world away. The problem is within your own comminities and your inability to reach out to young people and promise them a future makes these frindge ideologies appeal.

            Having said that, it is clearly good you immigrated, as you have wholeheartedly embraced the culture of idiocy, medocracy and rudeness. Good day sir.

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  2. drummerboy

    i said my parents immigrated.i was born here.your reading comprehension needs some work. every,and I MEAN EVERY culture has their ways that are only inherited by those same cultures.here’s one for ya mr.ignorant.did you know that 90% of all hispanic chics don’t flush their toilet paper,they stack it on the side of the wall. did you know germans are the master of manipulation.you don’t even know what fucking jihad is.reach out to young kids? so now i have to make sure asswipes like you who can’t change their own diapers have a fucking future that i’m supposed to provide to you.listen you fucking smarmy little fuck,i filed my first income tax return at the age of thirteen,at thirteen you didn’t even know what your pud was made for.like i said you are IGNORANT,and clearly it shows.i have probably paid more in income taxes than you ever will for the work that i have done all my life.you on the other hand are probably spending your mommy and daddys’ money.and you can’t be more american than paying more than ones far share of taxes.you fucking liberal pos

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    • TJWP

      You are awefully judgemental, and see quite angry (butthurt per chance) – its quite funny reading your boorish comments as I imagine you in a rage, furiously smashing your keyboard trying to get your point across.

      Here’s the thing, no one cares about your life, or your experiences, as based on your posting history I’m pretty confident the only place those “facts” exist is in your own head.

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      • drummerboy

        your nothing but a liberal pos.try going around the block of life fuck face while you look thru your rose colored glasses.your ignorance knows no bounds,and the only thing that exists in your fucking head is that you think you’ll win trading stocks,i’m sure your the life of the party with all your pretentious friends. so,tell me, what nationality you are,and i’ll peg what the fuck you’re made of.

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        • TJWP

          Your anger is so comical, your desperation to be acknowledged more evident with every attack.

          Did you not get enough love and attention as a child? Where exactly does this boorish desire to be the center of attention, even if it means standing naked in the middle of the room screaming, come from?

          You do understand you need to learn to distinguish between good and bad attention, as praise and scorn are not the same thing, other than we are forced to acknowledge your existence.

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          • drummerboy

            i am a comedian.your just a mental midget is all.i said you no nothing about the middle east or anything to do with the mena countries.your move in the direction in implying that i seek attention is bullshit from any front .you have nothing,zip nada,so like a fucking pos liberal fuck that you are, all the sudden,now turn to ,”not enough love ,blah blah blah”. fucking drivel to deflect from the real conversation.you lost motherfucker.on the topic of anything to do with jihad,muslems,or anything to do with that part of the globe.when you lose,as in any topic,the first thing a loser does is attack his opponents character. eat shit and go fuck yourself.plain and simple.and the next time you decide to talk to someone you know nothing about.and the topic involved,then the smart thing would be is to keep your hands off the keyboard.

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          • TJWP

            I don’t know about comedian, you certainly are a joke.

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