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Have An Un-Laborious Weekend

It seems like the coast is clear, with treasuries edging off the gas, a bit.  However, I will not feel “hunky dorie” until oil breaks back through $70, on a tear to the upside.  Until that happens, “Super Cain Caution Mode” will prevail.

Much like a fat chick with a great personality, I do not appreciate for a second that I once had CAT.  Even now, seeing it rip upward past where I initially purchased it; staring in the face what could have been awe inspiring gains; if you asked me if I regret my imbecilic style dance moves, I would tell you: Fuck no, not after those two reports came out.

I would say the first rule to playing around with credit is to avoid associating with unnecessary risk like an Indian in Pakistan.  Ferocious, margin calling brokers outfitted with large hunting knives are always looking for a reason to clean out your carcass.

That out of the way, I’m quite disappointed with the lack of action in BHI.  God willing, this market will play against its recent highs, catapulting oil to new year records, as I get drunk and watch Baker Hughes earn back everything I lost this week.  However, before September ends, I’d like to see this market blead profusely.  I really did think I’d have a chance to load up on another dip before now.  Thanks to foolish creditors willing to extend me lines, I will be waiting readily for the opportunity.

Now, in celebration of all the wonders of life, I’m off to enjoy a fantastic weekend at some local vineyards; where I will be sampling the best wines my state has to offer, with nights spent on the lakefront beneath a splendid view of the stars; and a thick, strong flavored cigar, if I can convince the woman to suffer it.

If, like myself, your week did not tend the way you desired, be sure to take solice in the comforts of your homes; spend time with those whom you work so hard for.  You have my best wishes, sirs.

Happy Labor Day Weekend

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