Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

It’s Choppy Out There

The market keeps churning as bulls and bears battle it out for supremacy. It’s CHOPPY and I don’t care if you’re a great swimmer or not, you should be weary incase you hit a big wave while sipping on some fine whiskey and smack your head on the side of your jib. (This type of shit happens, seriously). Better yet, drop the whiskey and pay attention.

I had intended on doing some research and writing a killer morning update but traffic, emergencies in the office and the like have kept me from fulfilling such intentions.

As a result I have little to share except I’m glad I’m still in cash for the most part. My holdings are as small as they have been since late March.

The trend is UP and on a daily basis we do continue to go UP for the most part. It’s just not going UP like it used to for the last few months.

As a result and with September around the corner I am QUITE content just waiting this out. Unless you have a printing press, it’s important to pick your battles as you don’t want to one day have an amazing shot with no ammo so to speak.

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  1. dubz

    Wow, no more “King of the PG” tab. Sad day indeed.

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    • DPeezy

      Hey, at least you still have a comment feed on the right. The PG doesn’t even have that! (Or search functionality.)

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      • dubz

        For sure, truth be told it makes sense as the KOPG is hardly the most knowledgable person on the site so it makes sense to have it under “PG” instead of on its own respective tab ala “Le Fly”.

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        • DPeezy

          Well, fwiw, I think you got bumped for a permanent(?) Scottrade ad.


          If any admin and/or The Fly is reading this, I think it would be fantastic if we could add a comment feed on the right for the PG as well. And, also, when you do a search of the site/ticker, please include the PG in the results as well.

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          • dubz

            What’s weird is … The normal PG members get more exposure than the King…

            You now have to Specifically click on the “KING OF PG” under PG. Maybe include the King’s updates inside the “PG” as well? As it stands not a good place.

            Either way I’m done tomorrow so what do I care.

            Realistically the Scott Trade ad will be more lucrative lol.

            Bought some TRP.TO – Long term & defensive w/ a nice yield. I’ll buy a broker friend a nice dinner in 20 years.

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  2. dubz

    Bought TSTR @ $1.42

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  3. dubz

    Bought SU.TO @ $34.25

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  4. dubz

    Stopped out mentally on TSTR & sold SU a nickel higher. Not feeling the market right now, will continue waiting.

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