Joined Jan 1, 1970
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The Dividend Aristocrat

Dividend Aristocrat

Getting lost in life is as simple as dying or getting deep in credit card debt. I don’t care where you are right now in the world, look around and you’ll see pathetic people of all races and ages basically just drifting through life, no plan, no goals, no portfolio or purpose. It’s easy to “go with the flow” and that “flow” most certainly gets you nowhere. I could go on with my general disdain for the majority of the population but I won’t.

This post is made primarily for the young who will one day buy those massive homes on the hills and drive luxury vehicles of their choice to private golf courses and “champagne parties” of sorts in a city near you. Everyone who is now exceedingly wealthy was once in their 20’s. It’s simply the “way it is”. We’re in a very interesting time where the market has been severely beaten down. In fact in order to better put this thesis to work, a part of me hopes we crash something fierce again, shortly after I exit the market, so I can enter many names at a fraction of the cost.

I’m looking to fill my portfolio with dividend paying equities that have solid revenue growth. Even if the dividend has been suspended for a few quarters, I’m interested in getting into quality, dividend paying stocks and holding them for the LONG term. My goal? To have a steady dividend income by the time I’m in my 60’s.  Getting into quality stocks now will not only give me tremendous growth over 30+ years but will also essentially pay for themselves over that period.

For the sake of your future, I’ve attached a list of 20 dividend producing stocks that are experiencing revenue growth above

No. Ticker Hybrid Change (Weekly) Hybrid Score Beta Dividend Yield Qtrly Revenue Growth Price
1 KWR 17.91 4.28 1.55 6.30 13.48 21.47
2 DHT 12.93 3.85 0.87 20.80 55.00 5.20
3 NM 31.71 3.81 3.34 6.70 74.18 5.20
4 RPT 50.40 3.73 1.96 13.90 15.79 9.35
5 NCTY 34.43 3.72 1.15 19.30 36.36 9.80
6 EPB 50.83 3.67 -0.17 7.10 17.65 19.88
7 MGPI 53.62 3.66 1.91 14.30 12.50 3.00
8 PT 52.52 3.63 0.97 8.80 11.74 10.47
9 PACR 41.50 3.58 1.21 16.70 13.70 3.04
10 EGLE 21.27 3.58 2.60 15.80 51.35 6.07
11 MIC 13.57 3.55 2.11 19.40 24.77 4.28
12 VIP 33.08 3.54 1.75 10.60 45.35 14.12
13 PGH 14.71 3.51 1.02 20.10 15.13 8.36
14 MFA 33.90 3.50 0.63 13.20 86.67 7.73
15 SJT 39.56 3.47 0.33 13.10 39.47 14.08
16 PRGN 12.27 3.42 3.92 23.30 127.78 4.63
17 OLN 18.45 3.37 0.72 6.20 43.71 14.59
18 RCNI 57.82 3.35 1.81 9.33 19.87 8.57
19 PSO 12.50 3.35 0.76 5.40 12.72 12.08
20 NNN 30.47 3.35 1.21 9.00 20.41 21.61

Of the above list, I currently own PRGN. Their dividend is suspended but before the crash was paying a very substantial one. For obvious reasons an equity with a suspended dividend is nowhere near as attractive as one that isn’t. The above list was one I prepared ages ago, and is sorted by hybrid scores. Those fluctuate and if you’re planning a 30+ year hold it’s somewhat irrelevant. It does however give you an idea of how they are doing.

Top 10 Dividend Paying Stocks by Dividend Yield:

No. Ticker Hybrid Change (Weekly) Hybrid Score Beta Dividend Yield Qtrly Revenue Growth Price
1 XTEX 10.36 3.08 1.46 33.30 41.04 3.90
2 DAC 10.78 2.72 2.35 23.50 20.63 3.84
3 PRGN 12.27 3.42 3.92 23.30 127.78 4.63
4 DHT 12.93 3.85 0.87 20.80 55.00 5.20
5 PWE 13.29 3.02 1.10 20.80 118.06 13.45
6 PGH 14.71 3.51 1.02 20.10 15.13 8.36
7 MTR 18.64 2.56 0.82 19.70 58.04 24.50
8 MIC 13.57 3.55 2.11 19.40 24.77 4.28
9 NCTY 34.43 3.72 1.15 19.30 36.36 9.80
10 PVX 36.68 3.13 1.23 17.50 33.06 5.18

In closing,  I’d be on the road right now to a body of water so large, it could be compared to an ocean. However, as  “King of the PG” I have a duty to deliver timely and arguably relevant information for your reading pleasure. The purpose of such trip? To pull out pre-historic creatures from its depths while drinking absurd amounts of the beverage of my choice.

P.S: Please tell me some of you were in CSIQ before 8AM this morning!? Canadian Solar beats estimates to the tune of … 46%+ Incrase in Profit… DAMN it feels good to be holding a “solid position” in such said firm.

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  1. Joe

    Built up a portfolio through day trading over the year and looking into long term plays now … This is a great resource. Just a quick question…
    What sectors are safest long term plays for dividend yields. Quite a few of these could be considered penny stocks under 5.00. Although these are organized by dividend yield would you recommend the larger cap plays over the smaller ones for less risk?


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  2. Mushroomz

    EAD and LINE are 2 holdings of mine that pay a nice dividend.

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  3. Dubz

    I recommend you look primarily but not exclusively into to larger cap stocks, preferably industry leaders. A perfect example of “prime candidates” are the Canadian Banks. Had you stocked up in March you’d of doubled your investment with amazing yields. Just look at BMO. I wouldn’t buy them now but then again I watched them climb the entire time thinking they would go lower. Typically stocks with large caps and solid yields are less volatile as many “dividend aristocrats” have large holdings and are more concerned with their dividend income than the growth.

    Regarding sectors, that’s a good question. Like anything you want to be diversified. I will expand on this thesis later.

    Best Regards,

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  4. Dubz

    Mush – I will look into them upon my return. Thanks for sharing.

    Anyone else have any dividend plays of interest?

    P.S CSIQ is dropping back to reality and they had a 46% jump in profits… Starting to think if a company has great earnings might as well sell the next morning in pre-market and buy back later. Then again you don’t want to miss out on things like “PCX” a few months ago. It just kept running for days.

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  5. RaginCajun

    Solid post Dubz.

    Loved that CSIQ, sold at 19 and change today, will re-enter at a later date.

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  6. Mushroomz

    bought some PWE today, scaling in. They hold nat gas assests…

    It is yeilding 12%

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  7. ManuelStop

    One also can do something like a PEY for an IRA–that is one of several that does use the aristocrat; Let them rebalance if a dividend is disrupted or if a sector such as the financials explodes. Monthly dividends–You can use Macke’s purple crayon on it for the past 20 days or so.

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  8. Yogi & Boo Boo

    Nice idea. Goes without saying you need to do your homework on these. If you are using etf’s be sure to check the NAV. It makes no sense to be buying these at a premium. I’m slowly building positions, when prices get out of whack. Since many are illiquid, you really need to pay attention and be very patient. Also tax treatment varies on the preferred dividends. Some are eligible for the 15% rate, some are not.

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