Joined Jan 1, 1970
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CSIQ & Free Coffee

Today has been filled with some random trades, hating and loving the action in CSIQ and some free coffee.

CSIQ is releasing its earnings tomorrow morning:

The dial-in number for the live audio call, which will begin on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time (8:00 p.m. August 6, 2009 in Hong Kong), is +1-617-847-8712. The conference call passcode is 63818298. A live webcast of the conference call will also be available on Canadian Solar’s website at http://www.canadian-solar.com .

I may be on the road at that time en route to another fishing trip of sorts. I plan on holding but could sell into the close.


DVAX @ $2.03
BRCD @ $8.28


OCNF @ $1.72
BPOP @ $1.58

Rest of the portfolio is “churning along” some up, some down. I also managed to get out of a 2 month long muderhole called JVA. I bought it on a technical rip then watched it drop past my buy-in in disbelief only to see it drop roughly ~33%+. I averaged in and it kept dropping. Finally when I got back to my first average in spot I sold what I bought there and sold the rest today for a negligble profit. Many of you probably would of sold this thing at a loss. It’s for reasons like this that I never like being less than ~25% cash. This way if you get “screwed” you can just ride it out as you still have plenty of money to make trades with. I find many people sell losers so they can free up some cash, only to put it in another loser.

I’m also looking to buy TKLC, I almost pulled trigger in the $16.60’s but will wait for lower. I kinda feel like I”m being a greedy bastard but I did something similar on STAR only to watch it fall much further, in fact it’s still much cheaper than what I bought it at.

On another totally unrelated note to the markets but with a high correlation to the topic… If you go to McDonald’s and ask for a refill they just give you free coffee. Kinda fucked up no? Or is it kind messed up that I’ve got lots of money in the market and make many trades daily yet for whatever reason, I care that I can get a free coffee? That said, if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t drink it, it’s actually my current “coffee of choice”.

On a side note, I’m often tempted to sell my HNU.TO position in natural gas but I feel I’ll regret it as it’s only going higher in the next few months.

Update:  Bought my first batch of TKLC @ $16.85

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