Joined Oct 27, 2011
93 Blog Posts

Zuckerberg Sets Up Hedge Fund To Give Away Billions

The benevolence of the super-rich has become almost mandatory. Our government has failed to provide adequate care for the people, and now we must rely on billionaires. If they didn’t give away their money mobs with pitchforks, or Bernie Sanders would take it. Wisely, the wealthy have been out front on this issue for a while (buffet, gates, tuner, etc).

Zukerberg’s pledge is enormous, serious kudos to him. Essentially he is setting up a hedge fund with his normal-looking wife (why isn’t this guy single and dating Miss America?) that will make investments and gift the profits. Like having an orchard; you have to give away the fruit, but not the trees. 

Will this new endeavor for Mr. Zukerberg steal his passion from Facebook? 

Does this have anything to do with his September trip to India? Where by the advice of Sir Steve Jobs, he was instructed to go drop acid and get “spiritual”?

Source: Bloomberg

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