Joined Jul 30, 2008
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Neyo- “Mad”

Another great hit by Neyo.  This one gets to the top of the charts… watch.  Hawaiian song up later tonight.  I just wanted to show you I know I can pick a hot track like I can pick a hot stock.

[[mad]]   … if we do get a bounce in commodities, and [[eev]] continues to slide, I’ll be mad about MAD.

Chart for Madeco S.A. (MAD)

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  1. scum bucket

    Is there a breeze in here? I feel a little Chile, I think I may need a small cap or something. bwa ah ah. Watching the bottom drop out of the copper market must have been a sickening feeling for Chile.

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  2. Gio

    More contrariano (that’s South American for “contrarian”) plays…
    MEA scheduled for cc on November 7th. playing calls on that one.

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  3. The Fox


    I have a lot of respect for your informed opinion. I am positioning for a sell off (short bias). I am hedged, but think this rally is overdone. What is your “two cents”?

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  4. Gio

    Fox.. my last post i point out to a high probability of profit-taking in Friday, therefore I have taken profits today and am now net short. nothing special. i think we’re playing the same short-term strategy. Vix shows the rally is not done on the medium term so I can’t get aggressive. and we can’t ignore the strength in certain sectors that have been blown up, like commdoties. i wouldn’t swing short those stocks; maybe a daytrade short. if you were wondering, I am short GEOY and want to short MELI on next down day.

    If the Vix spikes down (market moves up another 3-5%), i will enter more swing shorts.

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  5. The Fox

    Thanks, Bro. Much appreciated.

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  6. P

    What about Single?

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