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Yearly Archives: 2011

Gap and Slow

The market saw a huge gap higher this morning, but has essentially been going sideways since. The issue is whether we are actually poised to break above that pennant on the s&P 500 that I have been discussing over the past few days. The key level appears to be at 1200, and we are currently a few points below. Individually, many stocks I am seeing are well off of their morning highs, even though the broad market has not seen a big fade. Thus, I am watching closely to see in which direction those divergences resolve.

I also have my eye on some of the airlines, as they have been badly beaten down in recent months. Moreover, they are squeezing much higher today, even though many traders considered shorting them after Hurricane Irene to be an easy, lay-up trade. I suspect that they can squeeze much higher.


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A Deviant Summer


Situations where a great many people simultaneously face adversity tend to bring out either the absolute best or worst in people. You usually find out someone’s true character in an event such as a hurricane. The facade melts under the pressure of the moment, and you discover what someone is really all about. Some people remain calm, while others freak out. Some use the opportunity to run amuck and do as they please, while others hunker in and shut down. Similarly, when the stock market sees a major event, such as the ferocious selling earlier this summer, you tend to see which traders can roll with the punches and adjust appropriately, and which ones blow up and run themselves out of the business.

As another year of summer trading winds down, the S&P 500 is slightly down on the year. I find that to be quite reflective of the type of trading environment we have seen in 2011. It seemed early in the year that the “Bernanke Put” would push stocks higher in a perpetual straight line, whereas recently the steady stream of horrific headlines and persistent selling pressure and volatility all but assured a repeat of 2008. In reality, we are likely to be somewhere in the middle.

There is very little doubt in my mind that these types of markets are the most challenging for swing traders. Conviction in a stock thesis or technical setup used to be held in the same esteem as marriage, but now it is perhaps necessarily viewed with the same disdain that sexual deviants view the idea of marriage and family formation, if only for the indecisive nature of the market. Since impermanence is the only permanent thing in life and in the markets, I expect at some point or another we will see the market make up its mind where it wants its next big move to be. Until then, the overall theme of 2011 for active traders is still one of a hit-and-run style, selectively picking your spots even more than usual, while respecting cash as a viable position in many instances.

As for the market this week, I am still watching the following pennant forming on the S&P, as well as on the majority of the leading indices and sectors. Click here for for some long trading ideas in the event we break higher this week.







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Saturday Night at Chess Cinemas

The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) was one of the original tough guy ensemble cast films. A middle-aged Robert Mitchum and Peter Boyle make this one worth watching just for their performances.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD1C3_JjfeM 550 412]

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Stock Trading Ideas and Explanations

We know that the broad market is apparently stuck in a range at this juncture. If we see a break and hold above 1200 on the S&P 500, I am looking at the following long setups in particular.






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McDonald’s has been a clear winner, even as the market tumbled this summer. It is no wonder traders seem to be in awe of how the stock has performed. In fact, you could argue McD’s has becoming part of a flight to safety/quality trade that had become popular during the market turmoil.

Looking at the monthly chart, though, the issue is whether the trade has now become too crowded. If McDonald’s finishes out next week on the highs, there is a case to be made that the buyers have exhausted themselves for the foreseeable future. After screaming higher since March, even the best of stocks get stretched. I will be watching next week’s acton closely.


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