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Yearly Archives: 2011

More Bittersweet than SEMIsweet

The analysis that I have been providing in this tab has focused more on longer-term timeframes as of late. The main reason for that bigger picture focus is because I believe that it would behoove you to not take into account where we are in the overall scheme of things. After all, as this monthly chart of the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index illustrates below, we are still in a secular bear market, despite being in a bull run since March of 2009. After screaming higher for over five consecutive months, the semis are likely going to go much higher over the next few years.
However, that bull thesis should prove to be bittersweet for short-term traders who insist on clinging to it. As I imply in my notes on the chart, after sprinting up the first several floors of the building, this (cyclical) bull is on the cusp of reverting back to “taking the stairs up.”

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Converting the Heathens



The bulls opened today’s session with a rather vigorous morning push, before the action dulled down a bit into the closing bell. With the S&P 500 finishing up 0.62% to 1319, the broad market is converting even the most ardent of perma-bears these days. While some of the commodities saw notable intraday reversals–namely copper–the regional banks led us higher. Moreover, AAPL and GS gave the bulls plenty of ammunition to continue buying even the most of extended charts in various corners of the market.

Going forward, the crucial issue hinges on how much longer the broad market can continue to move higher despite glaring underlying divergences, coupled with a lack of proliferation of high probability long setups.







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Priced for Perfection, Or Something Like That


I have no position in ATML, and seeing as I almost never play earnings, I will stay away even though they report tomorrow. However, I must say that I have to wonder how many buyers are left right here, right now. The above monthly chart shows a stock that makes the phrase “going parabolic” look like the understatement of the year, with the stock residing outside of the upper monthly BB for the past several months. Yes, I am aware of all of the awesome fundamental arguments about the firm. However, I have to wonder what the company can actually say tomorrow that will cause a huge upside surprise.

Today, the stock is printing a bearish engulfing candle on heavy volume. For those of you that are inclined to gamble on earnings, I thought I’d throw the idea out there of taking a bearish position on this, as the risk/reward for bears looks favorable.

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“Traders Only” Chess Links


Plenty of excellent sites out there include more macro commentary in their links, namely Downtown Josh Brown and Abnormal Returns. I thought I’d share a “Traders Only” collection. Here are the traders that I am reading today (click on links):

There are plenty of other key sources that I check everyday, so be sure to look on the right hand side of your screen for my Blogroll.

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Looking for Rail Resolution


As you know, I have been discussing the notable divergences in the transportation stocks relative to the senior indices for over two weeks now, with the IYT pinned below its 50 day moving averge while the S&P 500 sits at fresh 52 weeks highs. Headed into this week, I have urged all members of the 12631 Trading Group (a premium service available only to members of The PPT), to closely watch Union Pacific Corporation. I believe this key railroad company has a daily chart that best exemplifies the essence of the current divergence.

Will we see another leg lower in this correction, or is it already over? Should this pattern break down, I expect the next leg will be swift and painful. Regardless, I believe that a resolution is coming this week, one way or the other, and will have broad market implications.

I should also add that CSX should be watched closely too, as it accounts for roughly 7% of the IYT–Hat Tip: @gtotoy


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ExxonMobil: Approved by the FDA

These days, XOM trades like a small biotech grenade blowing the arms off of short sellers. Clearly, value investors are starting to be rewarded handsomely for picking up shares last summer, when the oil behemoth was trading around $55. However, fast-foward a few quarters later and we are talking about a stock that pretty much sums up my thoughts on commodities and commodity-related stocks at this point: Not at a major top, but likely at an intermediate-term one.

On my annotated zoomed out monthly chart below, note how steep the angle of ascent in XOM‘s recent breakout has now become. Also note that this is the first time since 2007 that Exxon has pierced its upper monthly Bollinger Band. Indeed, Exxon has spent what little of February we have seen completely outside of its upper monthly BB.

In other words, when I see this many traders trying to “ride the momo” in ExxonMobil, I can’t help but think that someone is being hustled, and it sure as hell will not be me.


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