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Biotechs Bringing the Tropic Thunder

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szGzAxJ0fbw&feature=related 550 412] _____________

With AMRN up roughly 94% (!) while the broad market tumbled today, the idea of playing Biotechnology stocks seems increasingly tempting, especially given their outperformance over the past few weeks. IBB, the ETF for Biotechs, looks to be in a clear uptrend. If you simply must play Biotechs, but are scared to dabble in inidividual plays given their propensity for being hand grenades, then IBB appears to be the sensible candidate.

For those of you who want more action, I give you one of The PPT‘s all-time classic screens. Below, you will find the top ten names on today’s Biotech screen. They represent those Biotechs that are being bought on strong volume. Note also that we have made it easy for you to filer out those stocks that are trading too low for you, so you can avoid (or embrace) penny Biotechs if you like.

Technically, which is how we take The PPT algorithm one step further inside 12631 (FREE TRIAL TO PPT MEMBERS THIS WEEK–Click here for details), some of the names are more extended than others.


(found 19 matches)
(Includes long and short, average volume > 25k. ETFs included.)
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No. Ticker Acc. Dist. Score Volume Score Industry Price
1 GNOM 5.00 5.00 Biotechnology 14.87
2 SVNT 5.00 3.00 Biotechnology 10.95
3 BPAX 5.00 2.00 Biotechnology 2.12
4 LGND 5.00 3.00 Biotechnology 9.93
5 ELN 5.00 1.00 Biotechnology 8.01
6 REGN 5.00 1.00 Biotechnology 49.12
7 CHTP 5.00 1.00 Biotechnology 4.94
8 CORT 5.00 2.00 Biotechnology 4.41
9 ACAD 5.00 1.00 Biotechnology 1.92
10 ZLCS 5.00 3.00 Biotechnology 2.66

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Afternoon Comeback in Play


After struggling for most of the session, the bulls are on the move as we head into the final hour of trade. This morning’s plunge left us with a huge gap on the SPY (ETF for the S&P 500) above $130.60. We are currently testing it now, and a breach above it will likely bring in even more buyers in an attempt to fill the huge gap. Note that on the S&P, this morning’s gap resides above 1313. Watch those levels carefully as a gauge of how much staying power the bulls truly have, or whether this is imply a dead-cat bounce.


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An Emerging Issue

As you can see on the daily chart of the EEM (ETF for the emerging markets) above, we are increasingly seeing charts that appear to have made clean breakouts, only to give it all up and then some. In the case of the EEM, specifically, the emerging markets broke out above a well-defined area of resistance and then pulled back to consolidate. This appeared to be a classic case of prior resistance turning into current support, which we know is bullish.
However, we are starting to see many charts give up these breakout points. On the one hand, the temptation is to declare this to be an automatically bearish event. In the very short-term, if you could have shorted these failed breakouts for a quick trade, then you would have been rewarded for your bravery (or recklessness). Going forward, though, the picture is increasingly nebulous. These charts are far from being in established downtrends. In my estimation, they simply need more time to firm up. Clearly, they were not ready to hold these breakouts for now, which means stepping off of the gas pedal is appropriate.
Note also a similar situation with the SIL, ETF for the silver miners.

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No One Owes Us Anything

One of the biggest fallacies that costs traders plenty of money is thinking that Mr. Market looks like this:



In reality, this is a much better depiction of who Mr. Market truly is:



In gambling and trading, after losing several bets in a row, most think: “I am really due for a win here.” So, they keep betting or, worse yet, they increase the size and frequency of their bets. The reality is that the market is far from a cute little piggy bank, dispensing $100,000 to happy-go-lucky passers-by. Instead, Mr. Market is always looking to punish you for the slightest mistakes and, when he does not punish you for mistakes, you should start to get cautious.

Today, we saw a sell-off that quickly picked up steam this morning. Thus far, the bulls have been unable to put much of a bounce together. Moreover, we have lost the 1300 support level on the S&P 500. While the temptation is to step in and buy immediately on weakness, or not cut holdings that have breached sensible stop-loss levels, the reality is that no one owes us anything, particularly Mr. Market.

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Full Faith and Credit in…Your Stop Losses


The market is obviously reacting negatively to the Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the U.S. debt outlook. Ironically, the Dollar is rallying off of this, with most risk assets getting hit hard. As if earnings season did not offer up enough variables, this development seems to have caught many traders off-guard, with the major indices down nearly 2% at the time of this writing.

In a situation like this, the only thing that you can fully trust is your stop loss, which represents one of the last lines of defense in protecting your portfolio from exogenous events. We have lost the 1300-1332 trading range on the S&P 500, and I have my eyes on 1294 as the next key support level for bulls to take a stand. However, I am in no rush to buy the dip until I see signs of buyers emerging first. A break of 1294 could easily see us testing those March support levels.


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We understand and respect the fact that you are careful in selecting which premium services to join. After all, successful investors value their precious capital and deploy it wisely. In joining The PPT, members have chosen a community that offers tremendous value both in absolute and relative terms, especially when compared to other services.

Since the inception of the 12631 Trading Service just over five months ago, our community has grown to over 230 active members (recall that 12631 is a separate service only available to members of The PPT). Without question, there remain quite a few of you who are curious as to what our service has to offer.

Thus, we would like to graciously extend a one week free trial offer to you, starting on Monday. Again, please keep in mind that this free trial is only available to members of The PPT. So, if you have procrastinated in joining The PPT, now would be an opportune time to subscribe (Click Here for More Details).

Below, you will find a video made by RaginCajun giving you a rare, behind-the-scenes look inside 12631.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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