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Yearly Archives: 2011

Big Tree in a Little Forest

This morning’s rally is proving to be legitimate enough to gain steam as it goes along. Stocks across the board are begging to breathe a sigh of relief that we are not crashing another 500 Dow points. It is a disturbing to see a few of the major European Union countries institute a short-selling ban, when we know from the fall of 2008 that all that really does is decrease liquidity and increase volatility. After all, when a short wants to take profits, he has to cover the stock, which creates another buyer.

At any rate, the market has stopped going down and making new lows for now. 1101 on the S&P 500 from Tuesday is the major line in the sand, and we are flirting with overtaking the multi-year important level of 1150. One issue going forward is that we may start seeing a multitude of bear flags develop on daily charts, given that we have flopped around violently this week. Hence, today’s performance is a big tree in a little forest, as looking at a daily chart of any of the senior indices will tell you.

Alternatively, we could simply be basing here before turning higher. The probabilities for a low-risk entry here are not particularly favorable, and there is nothing wrong with continuing to sit out until the picture clears up further.

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Awkward Moments


While the broad market is down a staggering amount today, there are a few, DARE I SAY, “mustard seeds” (spoken with mafia suit in a CNBC studio with American flag lapel pin). Despite the senior indices being down this much, most of the lows from yesterday on many charts remain intact, such as the XLE.

Moreover, the real estate complex is barely flinching today, as illustrated by the chart of the IYR ETF below. Now, I recognize that plenty of bears will say that these mustard seeds mean nothing, given that the trend down trumps all. Be that as it may, the first step is to stop going down, or at least stem the tide of downside momentum.Yesterday’s lows on the S&P are still comfortably below, and barring an end of day crash, today may prove to be nothing more than a violent aftershock.

Again, I am still in full cash, so I am not exactly talking my book here. I am simply calling it like I see it.


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The Significance of 1150 on the S&P {Video}

Here is a video that I made in September of 2010, detailing the significance of the 1150 price level on the S&P 500 over the past thirteen years, since the market first printed it back in 1998. I believe we are back to negotiating this area, and this is one of the reasons why we are seeing such an intense tug of war between bulls and bears here.


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bbs7jPsSRE 550 412]

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