Full-time stock trader. Follow me here and on 12631
Joined Apr 1, 2010
8,861 Blog Posts

Focus on Technique


I don’t know about you, but for me there are simply too many headlines and too much discussion about policy and potential monetary and fiscal policy moves around the world to keep up. From a swing trading perspective, that is all the more reason to focus on the price action in multiple timeframes as best I can. After all, data and policy is just that, and it is what market players do with it that determines stock prices. Seeing as the summer lows have yet to be beached and a fair amount of individual stocks seem to be performing better by the day, I am sticking with my strategy for this market to methodically layer back into stocks with technically sound charts.

As I noted last week, the precious metal miners are outperforming the metals themselves, and I expect that trend to continue. Other than that, there are some quality long setups out there and we are killing it inside the 12631 chat room. The great thing about running a top shelf premium service is that even when I discuss an idea that goes on to explode but I had not taken the trade, I get to see my members celebrate the win. That is most certainly the case with @TonyRago nailing the REXX move that I discussed here. Come check us out in 12631.

If you are looking for some hot intraday action, keep an eye on PSUN for a trashy short squeeze.

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