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Stuck in a Big Sandwich


Plain and simple, there are many strong individual charts out there (I will discuss them on my market recap today).  It seems as though we are trapped inside a huge sandwich of headlines and news flow out of Europe, which is why I am sticking with my plan of methodically (partial position starters) layering back into the market on the long side. Copper is an issue, and is one of the bears’ best arguments here, adding to the “sandwiched in” feeling.

More on my recap…

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  1. JakeGint

    Is that you, being carted around by a strange Korean woman?

    You must be exceptional at the “hot yoga.”


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    • chessnwine

      must-win tonight for Giants

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      • JakeGint

        Yeah, tell me about it. If they lose, it’s gonna be “Where’s that Cards Hoop Preview glossy I bought recently?”

        But, like in the old days, I can look forward to a new coach and a very low draft pick. So we got that goin’ for us.

        Coach Mustache, here we come!


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