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Tag Archives: Berlin

President-Elect Trump Responds To Terrorist Attacks – Pledges to Eradicate Jihadists From Face Of The Earth

President-elect Trump issued statements regarding today’s series of terrorist attacks; the first being the assassination of the Russian diplomat to Turkey, the second in Berlin, when a Pakistani refugee killed 12 people and injured 48 after driving into a crowd of holiday shoppers, and the third took place in Zurich after a shooting in a mosque.

Trump’s official tweet was followed official statements regarding the Turkey and Berlin attacks:



Let that sink in: 

Islamic terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worships as part of the global jihad

…These terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks must be eradicated from the face of the earth…

Bold and refreshing language from the man who will be president of the United States in a month. Trump also acknowledges Christians shopping for Christmas without censoring his language to be “inclusive” or politically correct. Sure is nice to have a president with a pair of balls. Mad Dog Mattis is gonna be one busy bringer of death if this is Trump’s opening salvo in his war on terror.

Reactions from around the web:

Note that there are more than a few people wondering why the Turkey shooting was so “clean.”


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