Joined Nov 11, 2007
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You People Are Making Me Angry

What the hell? What’s all the excitement about? Since the close on October 27th, the S&P 500 has moved up 15.5%, in 6 days. You people who are hanging around here, buying everything up at these levels, with money burning a hole in your pockets, are making me angry. Get over yourselves. I’m trying to be scientific, ovah heah, and you people are just buying up anything that is not bankrupt, which is causing some dislocation in my tea leaves.

Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the first 12% of the move up, when I was long. However, the last 3% has started to vex me.

Lucky for me, my initial purchases in the diETFs were position-sized with a worst-case scenario in mind. This scenario is that the indexes take a trip all the way to the 50 day average, without zigging and zagging.

Tomorrow I will get some [[QID]] , and more [[TWM]] and [[MZZ]] . I’m still long [[SMN]] , but will not add to it.

One thing I feel certain of is that this is no time to let yourself become complacent.


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  1. Debbie downer

    whaaaa whuhhhhhH!!!!!!!!!!

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  2. boca

    You people???

    *looks around* um, you talkin’ to me?

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  3. Woodshedder

    Not you boca babe.

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  4. Woodshedder

    Unless you’re into that sort of thing…

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  5. Danny

    if you have to ask Shed…

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  6. something

    it’s the short term dumbass “mesiah” rally.
    People suddenly think everything is so much better, that they get drunk and buy shit on credit to celebrate the victory of Obama. People will be getting stimulus checks, but they’ll spend it well ahead of time.

    The ironic thing is, that this bullshit confidence will save businesses just before they get taxed the shit out of, and the money is going back to the people that will buy shit like crazy. This will get a lot of money flowing, and that means more jobs…
    But more money is just going to mean inflation, but it will be like 77-86 inflation where gold shoots up, dies down, and then booms.

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  7. bhh

    Welcome to the “blue state” club.

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  8. JakeGint

    This will get a lot of money flowing, and that means more jobs…

    Wrong. Jobs are not built on consumption, but on capital investment. If I, as a business owner, know my earnings will be confiscated to a greater degree next year, I will be less incented to risk investment in marginal capital assets or employment.



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  9. DownTick


    Ops., you just uncovered that you earn less than 174K/yr, as that was the cap for receiving government handouts. I should know as I received none, in order to pay for yours.

    Given that you are in a relatively low income bracket, educate yourself about Obama’s tax plan, please. You and other imbeciles have been yapping for weeks now about increased taxes, please note that your income tax bracket is going to get a tax *cut*, while mine is going to pay for it. Anyone earning less than 603k/yr, which my bet is about 100% of the morons on these boards, is only going to benefit from Obama’s tax plan.


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  10. Tick


    Ops., you just uncovered that you earn less than 174K/yr, as that was the cap for receiving government handouts. I should know as I received none, in order to pay for yours.

    Given that you are in a relatively low income bracket, educate yourself about Obama’s tax plan, please. You and other imbeciles have been yapping for weeks now about increased taxes, please note that your income tax bracket is going to get a tax *cut*, while mine is going to pay for it. Anyone earning less than 603k/yr, which my bet is about 100% of the morons on these boards, is only going to benefit from Obama’s tax plan.


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  11. Woodshedder

    Tick, if you will look at my profiles, where I say that I am just a normal guy trying to beat the indexes, you might have figured I’m not rich. Maybe when I talk about working 40 hours a week and getting in trouble for trading at work, you could have figured that I’m not rich. Maybe when I posted about ripping out my old shower, and putting in a new one, to save dough, you could have figured out that I’m not rich. Maybe when I ran an entire weekend thread, in which I posted the analysis of both candidate’s tax plans, and when I stated I stood to benefit more from Obama’s plan than McCain’s you could have figured out that I’m not rich.

    I’m not for redistribution. I think the tax plan is far too progressive.

    I have never received an inheritance, and am still paying back student loans.

    I have worked very very hard to get where I am, and have received very little assistance from anyone, unless you want to count being Caucasian and a male as getting assistance. Some would see it that way.

    At the end of the year, I pay my taxes, and yeah, I get pissed that there are people who don’t pay any.

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  12. Jakegint

    Tick, wtf are you whining about?

    You think redistribution is “okay” just because you’ve agreed to pay for it?

    Well fuck you, pay for mine as well, Mr. Generous.

    Newsflash, dipshit — some people are against expanding the government on purely philosophical grounds, no matter how much they are paying in taxes.


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  13. Jakegint

    Yeah, Shed, wtf with Virginia?

    A blue state now??


    As an aside — I don’t ever want to hear anyone whining about racism ever again. Indiana, in 1925, was THE seat of the Ku Klux Klan in America at the height of the KKK’s power, with an estimate 50% of its population either in the Klan itself, in the female subsidiary of the Klan, or with a close relative in the Klan.

    Indiana went blue last night. That’s more significant than even Georgia, imo.


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  14. Tick

    Wood, your latest reply instilled in me much respect for you. I appreciate it.

    I have not inherited money, but am paid ridiculous sums for what I do (doctor). In my view, I am mostly lucky, as are the rest of the 1% in my tax bracket, who were given opportunities others do not get. Higher taxes for this group is hardly the end of the world, as most people on these boards, who would only benefit from the new tax plan, seem to think. Taxes were much higher during Clinton’s administration, and yet the country prospered; taxes were ridiculously lower during Bush’s administration and yet this has turned out to be one of the worst decades for the US since 1930’s. Taxes are not the only, or even main, determining factor. I am neither a fervent democrat nor republican, I have voted for both in the past. What is mind boggling for me is that people are so mortified of change after this lost decade we have had (and many more years to pay for it, still).

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  15. dogwood

    What is mind boggling for me is that people are so mortified of change after this lost decade we have had…

    Maybe we just don’t believe the change being offered will actually help improve the situation, but will, in fact, make a bad problem even worse.

    After all, much of the current crisis can be blamed on previous attempts by government to interfere with the marketplace for the purpose of pursuing social justice & equality via affordable housing for low income families.

    Well intentioned but misguided policies helped promote a certain level of recklessness in the mortgage industry that will take years to clean up.

    Change for the sake change is not a virtue. Positive, responsible change is what is required and there is nothing in Obama’s record or rhetoric indicating that such change is coming our way.

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  16. Jakegint

    Taxes were much higher during Clinton’s administration, and yet the country prospered; taxes were ridiculously lower during Bush’s administration and yet this has turned out to be one of the worst decades for the US since 1930’s.

    You’re fucking kidding me with the above, right? Worst decade since the 1930’s?

    Instant credibility fail.

    Taxes were not “much higher” during the Clinton era, they were about 3% higher at the marginal income level, and then they were cut, which spurred the already recovering economy to new heights.

    In the meantime, defense was cut, string was doled and the asshat terrorists thought they had the great infidel backing out enough to try to attack us on our own soil. All of which we had to deal with “in the worst decade since the 1930’s” the low unemployment and low inflation aside.

    Fucking doctors, you’re not considered the single worst investing subgroup for nothing.


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  17. Jakegint

    Maybe if the Tick understood that many of the problems that need “changing” stemmed from governmental interference in the first place, he would not be so quick to throw more statist control into the mix.

    But I look forward to the Messiah’s healthcare reform, I’m sure it will help the good Doc with his wealth anxieties.


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  18. bhh

    Nice calls Woody

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  19. Woodshedder

    Thanks B! Here’s to green on the screen, on a red day!

    And also, you’re brilliant coding and stuff has a lot to do with any success…

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  20. canuslupis

    Wow, I didn’t know there were so many cry babies following this site. Shredder – you got my respect. Some of you other guys – get some respect and grow up. Enough said.

    BTW – Nice call Shredder!

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  21. Employee8

    Gee, You know an awful lot about the Klan Jake!

    While the bearded one was studying the depression you were doing what?

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  22. Jakegint

    I know a lot about a lot of things, retard, including the Depression.

    There are these things called books, and there are whole libraries full of them.

    I spent the first twelve reading years of my life in them at least one day a week.

    I’ve no complaints. As for you, it’s never too late to get an education.


    PS — that particular “Klan” knowledge came from a review of the Klan’s history in none other than the New York Times Book Review some years back. I never actually read the book that was reviewed, but the fact (featured in the review) that Indiana and not some Southern state was the national seat of the Klan always stuck with me, as I was a Yankee and always harbored the typical Yankee prejudices.


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