Rolling my degenerate dice


I have no formal trading experience.

However, after years of reading iBankCoin, I feel I have gleaned an edge above my degenerate peers and begged Le Fly for the opportunity to publicly offer my game plan to turn a measly $10,000 into $100,000 within a year.

I will use this blog to document each trade in real time. I welcome the slings and arrows as I pursue my outrageous fortune. Please feel free to offer feedback, ridicule, and advice. I’m not invested in the money, I only crave to show how iBankCoin has turned me into a different type of market participant than Jim Cramer could have ever offered.

Trades I will offer are not recommended for others. I expect to go bust or hit my goal. There is no middle ground.

Let the games begin.

2 Responses to “Rolling my degenerate dice”

  1. Thanks DJ.

  2. good luck.

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