There’s Only One Way to do Everything


There’s many ways to trade and invest, whether you are a “technical trader,” or a a “fundamental investor,” that’s not necessarily the best way, but it’s your way. If you’re a football team, you might run a 4-3 defense, or a 3-4, neither are necessarily the best, but they are yours and they work for you. Now, if your way of doing things is failing you, there’s two reasons why; it’s not the “right way” of doing things, or your not working hard enough at it.

95% of the time it’s the later. Don’t kid yourself if you are shaking your head. If there was an easy way to do anything, then why isn’t everyone doing it? There’s no such thing as “20 minute abs,” an easy “Eat What You Want” diet, Tim Sykes “Quick Way to Becoming a Douchebag Who Wrecks a Lambo,” or “6 Easy Ways to Become a Millionaire.”   Why doesn’t everyone have a sixpack, while being a millionaire with a Lambo then? BECAUSE IT IS NOT THAT EASY!

The only easy way to be a douchebag millionaire like Tim Sykes, is to get lucky or get born into it– Paris  Hilton. EVERYTHING in life requires hard work  no one ever smashed a 40 yard dash, marathon time, trading year, or built a successful company by sitting on their ass on the couch, or in front of their computer. No one ever won the super bowl just by showing up, they WON or COMPETED, by putting all the work in in practice, and in the weight room. No great trader or investor ever became great just buy putting in market orders– with stops –blindly.

The ability to trade/invest successfully doesn’t come from putting in orders and tracking your lack of performance, it comes from reading financial statements, sell-side reports, write-ups, chart theory, back-testing procedures, Bollinger theory, etc. You cannot get big and strong by following some bull shit magazine workout. You have to convince your body to grow, and convince your central nervous system to commit to handling big weight. You have to train your brain and eyes to notice things in stocks and charts, and teach yourself to have the conviction to make the right call.

It’s not easy and it’s not for everyone, but you can grow your muscles, and you can beat the market, but you have to commit to it, and call on your heart, when you have to do the hard work and fight through the adversity.


6 Responses to “There’s Only One Way to do Everything”

  1. Great post.

  2. So, you read Altucher’s blog?

    I figured that would get a bunch of Tim Skype hater’s all riled up.
    Why do people hate him so much?

    Good luck with your pair trade.
    I’m always cheering for you, Rhino.

    I’d gladly ‘Love’ to scoop LULU shares at 45 which is where you believe share price is going.

    I’m out all day today, unfortunately, heading down to MSU I will not be able to monitor(d@mn). Such as life!!

    I’ll place a limit buy in just in case..

  3. Well said Rhino man

  4. […] Work Hard – If you aren’t willing to put in the long nights of research looking for new ideas, the days of disciplined patience stalking the ideal entry point and hours of analysis pouring over your portfolio… well, find another gig pal. Or maybe don’t. Because life is going to be tough for you. At least, according to Rhino (and me). […]

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