Rhino’s #1 Hater


I guess you know you’ve made it when some idiot decides to make a Twitter profile just to troll you. He honestly made @RhinoSux, and has been spamming and trolling me for the last hour or so.

He has no followers and follows five people, including Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, and Bon Jovi. I’m pretty damn transparent, and I never claimed to be a pro. I’m a professional, the “pros” go on CNBC and talk nonsense.

Have a look-cee [sic], and if you feel inclined to do so, block and mark this clown as spam. This is the first, and last, time I mention this clown.

5 Responses to “Rhino’s #1 Hater”

  1. Hey Rhino,
    One of reason I like Stocktwits is that I can have haters 🙂

    You definitely made it.


  2. dont let that shit distract you. real pro’s call that professional jealousy.you just know the other side isnt a pro.

  3. Congrats again Rhino! It just keeps getting better. The more you win, the more they hate.

  4. Keep up the great work,Rhino..;)

    he/she @RhinoSux~The BIG WAZOO!! Hillary, Biden, Pelosi…hahahahah..there you have it!!
    ((WTH))), I guess some people have nothing better to do?

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