If I Was An Author My Dad Would Be My Editor


My Dad is brilliant dude, Naval Officer that graduated a the top of his class at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, was one of the first to go to Adm Rickover’s Naval Nuclear Power School, got his MBA from Haas, and has worked as a nuclear engineer since the early 1980’s. He is so smart he often makes people feel dumb when they don’t know something he thinks they should, for example that Woodrow Wilson was the president during WWI. I have the tendency to do the same, though I just think that is because my generation is absolutely brain dead. I recently sent him this link from here about the state of California public colleges as my mom got her bachelors at one, my dad got his MBA at one, and I went to one. He wrote this in response to my comment on the subject.


Rhino says:

It is a fucking nightmare, they make it hard as fuck to graduate but they still take in new students. Thus the classes are always way over capacity, and they finance the fuck out of kids who are getting worthless degrees, with many if them not finishing.


It’s become a rip off and border line scam for business students, with them struggling to get classes.


I never had a problem because I am a veteran, but that brought up all kinds of “whoa is us, it’s not fair he gets priority registration because we are whiny fucking hippies.”

To this last reply this is what he said, and it is pretty funny.
interesting….and it’s “woe is us” — “whoa” is what you say to a horse when you want it to stop, not when you are bemoaning the fact that you have to deal with what comes out of the horse’s other end.
In honor of my Dad here is a little Segar.


2 Responses to “If I Was An Author My Dad Would Be My Editor”

  1. The college con is not about degrees. Never has been. Someone actually alot of peeps are the shit shovelers of society. The everyone should go to college is a simple scam. It is a welfare program for institutions(schools including worthless teachers) and banks.

  2. You don’t need to go to college to get a decent job like I did, you just need to know people. Someone should setup a school anyone can attend and its less than a 5% of a college education, only 1 class and its called Street Smarts – “Learn how to network and act professional” That will get you a fucking job.

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