It Was A Fun Run…


I write this post with bitterness at helm.  This week has left little time to concentrate on markets and instead figure other things out as I knew changes were at hand.  Today I just found out I will lose a trading edge attributed to causes mentioned in this post.  For the last 3 years in my full-time job I was detailed to a rotating night shift that left me with the availability to do market research at night and trade the markets during the day.

Today I learned that I will no longer have this edge as of Thursday morning I will now be required to work a day shift starting at 6am and working until an unknown time Monday-Friday.  This requires me to completely change my strategy as I like to swing trade in options and be frequent to the monitor as I do not rely on limit orders whether in stocks or options.

Now I ask my myself what to do?  I love trading and the markets in general.  But being away during most of the day leaves me without conversation via social media or in the know until after hours and that sucks as I always liked participation but recent events have left my concentration elsewhere.

While some of you may say trade via limit orders or alerts, I have never trusted these without my own eyes on the situation, ie. ISRG.  So now I will try to develop some sort of strategy in long-dated options expiration or in the indices that have lower volatility.  I can also look to go back to some pairs trading as well.  Either way an adjustment needs to be made and overall this sucks as I know I will be out of the game more than usual for at minimum several months.

Either way it has been fun to be in contact with traders via Twitter/Stocktwits and  will try to be as active as possible but these new hours will definitely hinder future engagements.

If you have followed or read my blog I thank you and I will try to to keep updated as much as possible.  For right now current obligations will hinder frequency.

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