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Tag Archives: Medical Technology

Helping People Invest In Med Tech

The medical technology space is an integral part of the healthcare sector. In fact, the market capitalization currently stands at roughly $400 billion. Securing even just a fraction of that market can translate to huge revenues. For this very reason, the medical technology market is a competitive and cutthroat one. Companies spare no expense in hiring and training fleets of sales staff to make sure they get the lion’s share of the market. If you are looking for ways to improve your staff’s ability to close sales in this respective healthcare niche, here are the three pillars that you should build your marketing and sales departments on:


Work on How You Carry Yourself

How you present and carry yourself while trying to close a deal will greatly impact the outcome. Naturally, humans are drawn to people who are assertive and confident. They want someone who is well-mannered and well-groomed. If you were approached by someone wearing their hoodie and sweatpants and trying to sell you a product/service, would you buy from them? The answer for most people is a resounding “NO”. Be presentable whenever you have a casual lunch or formal meeting with clientele. Dress sharply and maintain proper posture and gait. Maintain eye contact when conversing and arrive on time. Hygiene and physical well-being points to your clients that you care and that you have your life in order. Clients want to work with businesses and professionals who can give them the attention they need.


Study the Situation

Being prepared can make or break the sale. You have to be able to answer all questions that your client throws at you lest leave them unsatisfied and uncertain. You want your clients to come out of a meeting happy and fully aware of what you can offer them. If you fail to give them the information they want and need to hear, then you’ve failed to seal the deal. The medical technology industry is rapidly evolving and new products are constantly being introduced. Knowing where you stand relative to your competitors can help you better position yourself when pitching to clientele. Research how your products/services are more useful than competitors. Go through their online footprint including backlinks, keyword rankings, page SEO, social mentions and shares, and branding reach. Moreover, study your target audience. Most clients in the medical technology field are private care practices and primary hospitals.


Provide Extensive Training Programs

Businesses aren’t born with a competent sales staff. You’ll need to build it, and build it fast otherwise your sales numbers will suffer. Extensive medical sales training programs can help your sales staff close their deals faster. These programs are designed not just to get clients to buy your product/service, but more importantly to build solid relationships with their respective clients. A successful deal doesn’t end when the client signs the final paperwork. It’s an ongoing process of making sure your clients are happy and satisfied with the terms and conditions of the sale. Moreover, a sales training program can also instill better qualities in your staff, teaching them self-confidence, assertiveness, and empathy to connect with people.


Final Thoughts
Sealing a medical technology deal is huge. Hundreds of dollars in commission and thousands of dollars in payments are on the line, so you don’t want to miss the opportunity of closing a potential deal with a client. With regular and extensive sales training programs enriching your staff members, in-depth knowledge that you can use to build your case up, and professional habits and gestures that make the whole experience more comfortable and professional, it won’t be long before you start converting leads and signing customers for long-term contracts.

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How Technology Will Continue Changing the Stock Market of Healthcare

Ever since the discovery of fire by ancient humans, technology has been continually evolving. That evolution continues to this day. However, while the technological developments of hundreds of years ago were a much more gradual process of continual progress, today the progress is occurring in leaps and bounds that are certain to transform society much faster than the discoveries of the past.

Of these new technological developments, perhaps the most important regards healthcare technology. With new and improved healthcare tech, the lives of patients are sure to improve and lengthen greatly. With that benefit for patients, the stock market is also certain to see transformations as new technologies raise the profile of new companies and public offerings. With that in mind, below are some of the ways healthcare tech will bring about this profound change.


Robotic Surgeons

One of the sources for some of the biggest innovations in healthcare that will soon be upon us will be the wider application of robots. Robots are poised to transform a number of different industries in which human beings will be replaced by automated machines that can perform the same kind of work. While we usually associate automation with things like manufacturing and shipping, automation will soon impact the healthcare industry as well.

Surgery requires the steady hand of surgeons with years of training to pull off successfully. Despite the skill of surgeons, human error is still a possibility. When the stakes are high, those errors can result in death.

However, in the near future, many routine as well as highly complex surgeries may be completed by robots. In fact, this transition is already taking place. A robot manufactured by Intuitive Surgical was able to perform a soft tissue surgery with more precision than a human being could.



While you are probably very familiar with the term robot, you may not be as familiar with the nanobot. A nanobot is a robot or other autonomous machine that is built on a very miniature scale. In specific, nanobots are usually thought of as being less than 10 micrometers in size. How big is a micrometer? A micrometer is one thousand times smaller than one millimeter. This is a size smaller than what can be seen with the human eye.

As technology moves towards the creation of more advanced nanobots and nanomachines, the benefit for patients is clear. In fact Bar-Ilan University in Israel has already begun trial tests for using nanobots as a strategy for fighting cancer. These nanobots are built to detect cancer cells in the human body and apply treatment directly to them. It is hoped this means of treating cancer will be more successful and result in far less debilitating side effects than chemotherapy.


Picture Archiving and Communication Systems

Another significant development has been the introduction of new and improved PACS. PACS is an acronym that stands for Picture Archive and Communication System. A PACS system is what a healthcare enterprise like a hospital uses to create and manage medical imagery. This includes things like X-Rays, MRIs, CAT scans, ultrasounds and more.

In the past, such medical images existed as physical film. They had to be stored in huge bulky filing cabinets. Simply retrieving them for use by medical professionals was a chore in itself. Transferring them to doctors in other locations was even more difficult and required fax machines or the US Postal Service. Today, PACS is much more high tech and creates medical images as extremely high resolution image files. These files can be distributed almost immediately through the use of cloud networks. This makes such medical images more readily available to medical professionals when they need them.

Technology is evolving at a pace unseen before. As medical technology improves, so will the lives of patients all over the world. The healthcare industry is changing, and companies and the stock market will have to adjust accordingly.

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