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Saving Up To Invest In Your Home: The best renovations for resale value

When owning a home it is important to keep up with the maintenance and renovations of it so that your never losing value to your home. There are tons of things you can do to renovate your home and make great changes to an already great home, but what things can you do that will not only be great for you but will bring up the value the most too? The best renovations to increase the value of your home include adding a home theater, renovating your kitchen, and adding more square footage.

Add a Home Theater

What could be more fun than adding your very own home theater to your home! Home theater utah is a great way to increase the value of your home and to attract potential buyers with something fun and unique. Adding your own personal home theater will add a fun space that adults and children can both enjoy and is a great way to make your home stand out among the rest. Add some comfortable recliner chairs and a mini bar and your space will be complete.

Renovate Your Kitchen

Everybody knows that the kitchen is a major renovation that takes a lot of money, time and hard work to get it right, but in the long run a kitchen renovation surely is worth it. By adding a brand new kitchen or renovating the one you have you can increase the value of your home by 54%! Now this includes all new appliances, counter-tops and of course new cabinets. Go for an all white clean looking kitchen to stay trendy and in style with what is most popular in the market in order to get the most out of your renovation. You also want to hire a contractor that knows what they’re doing and can do it for a reasonable price as kitchen renovations can get really expensive and least you spend on it the more value you’ll get back.

Add More Space

Adding more square footage to your home is a great way to instantly increase the value and also make for a better living space. Since most buyers are obtaining a loan from the bank in order to buy your home, they will need to get an appraisal and appraisals are largely based off of the square footage of the house therefore, when you add more space to your home you are much more likely to see a bigger return. Again, this is a very large and expensive renovation so be sure to hire a trusted contractor who can do the job for a reasonable price but in a timely and effective manner.

It’s important to have a plan and know what renovations are the most beneficial to your homes value before spending the money and time to do them. It’s always a good idea to add more space, update your kitchen and add a home theater because all of those things add value and are functional for your home. 

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Tech Solutions That You Need for Your Home

home tech solutions

Your home is your sanctuary, it is a place where you go to relax and feel at peace with yourself, which is why you want to make it as great as you can. Adding things like granite counter tops, a pool and new floors are all common ways people upgrade their home, but one way many people don’t think of but can really make you feel great in your home is by adding the newest technology to it. In today’s world we live in a high tech society so it only makes sense to bring that technology into our homes to better our living experience.


Home Theater

One way you can add technology to make your home more fun to live in is by adding a home theater to your space. Let’s face it, everyone loves to go to the movies but what better way to watch a film on a big screen than in the comfort of your own home? Not only will this make your life happier and more fun but it’s actually been shown to raise the value of your home as well. It’s important to remember though bigger is always better when putting in a screen for your home theater. Home theater screen size is what will really make the room feel like your actually in a movie theater but yet your still in your own home.


Smart Home

Another great use of technology in the home that will make your home more fun to live in is by getting an automated smart home system. With smart homes you can pretty much do anything within the home by voice command or by using a mobile device. It can really be a lot of fun to lay in bed and simply say “turn off the light” or “open the blinds” and not to mention make you feel like royalty! Smart home systems are not only convenient and fun to use but if installed properly they can really add a lot of value to your home as well if you ever consider selling it.


Home Tech

Finally, in our search for great uses of technology within the home that will make your life happier and more fun to live in we come to the smart refrigerator. Smart refrigerators are a fun thing to have around because you can actually write your grocery list on the refrigerator and mirror that back to yourself on your mobile device while at the grocery store, how much fun is that? On top of it all the smart refrigerator will also send alerts to your phone in real time so you know if there is ever an issue or the power went out and your food could be potentially in danger.



So if you’re looking for a new fun way to reimagine your home and make some upgrades, I would definitely recommend utilizing all of the great new technology we have available to us today. Not only are you adding value to your home but your making your life more enjoyable as well!

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