Joined Apr 19, 2009
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The Eternally Melting Glacier, and other Myths

Global Warming Emperors Witness Melt Down,  Fully-Clothed
Wow, so this whole global warming meme really is a concentrated hood-wink after all.  Who would ever have thunk it?

I mean, what with International Socialism taking such a sharp stick in the tuchus since the fall of the Soviet Union and all, who would’ve thought those parties interested in heavily regulated authoritarian governance would’ve migrated to a different — if only slightly varied — alarmist message in order to bring forth a similar global regime?

Shoot-fire, it’s not like there was any money in it, right big Al?!  Or any other reason to contrive a bureaucratic-media alliance posing as science?

Take a damp sauna this week and step away from your trading post for a second to offer a short prayer of thanks to whatever Turkey-god unto which you may confer worship.  Thank that idol that this stuff is all starting to break forth, despite the media grandees so emotionally and cognitively invested in keeping this scandal silent.  Thank them also that it’s been broken before the awful “Cap & Trade” legislation passed in the Pelosi House this past summer has been imposed upon our barely ambulatory American economy.  

The faked data, the fudged models, the conspiring “climatologists” — it was all of a piece meant to throw great steel bands of punitive regulation on this economy, bands that would restrict your freedom and funnel funds from states that provided energy to those who used it (and consequently were hurting for cash),  while at the same time carving off a fat “vigorish” to the select captains of finance and government facile enough to “get their piece of the billions” in green economy rent seeking at Joe Six Pack’s expense.

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t have a problem with bankers and financiers seeking to make a buck off a new economic paradigm, as long as it’s one legitimately established and beneficial to society, not parasitical and authoritarian in its intent as this anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hoax has so proven to be.

This thing smelled from the very beginning.   Now it’s grown ripe and broken open.   Be mindful and be wary of a concentrated group think that calls itself “science” but looks and sounds more like authoritarianism, especially since similar efforts are being put forth on behalf of health-care alarmism.   Responsibility is a heavy burden, but one we must take up as citizens and parents.

Bonus piece — The 128 year (and counting) Crisis of the Melting Polar Ice Caps.  (hat tip to Ed Driscoll).


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  1. MOOBS

    Indeud. What a farce. Comrade Gore and his ilk are criminals. Solar trade anyone? Beuller?

    I chuckled at your use of vigorish. I use “vig” almost every day at work. Only the New Yorkers know what I mean. The southerners tilt their heads like puppies.

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    • JakeGint

      My business is based on vigorish. Most are.

      Nothing wrong with it, if it’s honestly earned. I really think the fraudsters like Gore — who’ve made millions on this — should be hounded into obscurity like the worst inside traders and other mega-con men of the age.

      What difference between he — with his Gulf Stream jetting from conference to conference, and his 12,000 square foot Nashville mansion — and Bernie Madoff? Level of doctrinal buy-in?



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      • MOOBS

        I meant it is an interesting word, rarely heard. No moral or ethical issue ovah heah. Just admiring your vocabulary.

        And he’s worse than Madoff.

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  2. BuffaloUdders

    But shouldnt we be able to interpret the trend and move to capitalize on it? No matter how we look at global warming, there is a ton of money flowing into the group think of it – and plenty of it is from the state, where checks don’t bounce.

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    • JakeGint

      Believe you me, I’ve seen more “green deals” this year than I even saw bullshit internet bubble companies back in ’99.

      It’s absolutely astounding… even at the university level (I sit on judging panels for couple of MBA-level start-up contests)… how many of these business plans involve a reliance on gummint cashola — sometimes even before seed capital stage!


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      • ecchymosis

        Here in glorious Marin County, Dominican University has the 1st Green MBA program!!!

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  3. Diamond Jim Brady


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  4. JakeGint

    This might be the best editorial summary of the whole “climategate” event — if you don’t want to go through the whole linkfest above.

    From the Brits who brought the scandal to light in the first place, appropriately.


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    • Ricketts

      Mark Steyn’s latest analysis is also golden: http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=YjAxYzA3NmI0N2Y1MDVhYzdmM2JkZGIyMjE5ZWU2OTI=

      Also, check his posts at corner.nationalreview.com for other amusing commentary over the last several days. Quite enjoyable.

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    • ottnott

      Most importantly, Sarah Palin would agree with that editorial – and many others by Booker.

      Per Wiki, since nobody here likely wants to dig through the full story:
      Via his long-running column in the UK’s Sunday Telegraph, Booker has claimed that man-made global warming was “disproved” in 2008[1], that white asbestos is “chemically identical to talcum powder” and poses a “non-existent risk” to human health[2], that “scientific evidence to support [the] belief that inhaling other people’s smoke causes cancer simply does not exist”[3] and that there is “no proof that BSE causes CJD in humans”[4]. He has also defended the theory of Intelligent Design, maintaining that Darwinians “rest their case on nothing more than blind faith and unexamined a priori assumptions”.[5]

      Any field of science suffers from errors (honest and otherwise), lack of definitive data, disagreements, and personal rivalries. Booker earns part of his living by writing books where he uses the existence of such factors to claim that scientific consensus is not only wrong, but is actually the product of a conspiracy of interests. Pretty weak shit, unless you are predisposed to believe his message.

      Didn’t want you to get bored preaching to the choir here.

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  5. TA

    If the media doesn’t have some bullshit to scare people with, they don’t make any money.

    Civilization has existed for 5000 years, Earth 4 billion years. Our ‘data’ somehow makes us experts(going back maybe 25000 years) on this planet’s history. Of course any climate change is our fault. How wonderful for us to think we are so smart that we know what’s going on.

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  6. The Fly

    That pic is gay as fuck

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    • DMG

      Very treu. Disproportionate number of baldies there as well….hmmm.

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      • Goin'Fawr

        put me off my breakfast, it did…grahzny vonny starry prestoopnik plotts

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        • Yossarian

          NY Post headline would read, “Where’s Wald-homo?”

          or possibly

          “Climate Change Is Anything Butt Pretty”

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  7. The Fly

    God forbid another hurricane should hit, we’ll all be forced to become carbon neutral.

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  8. Juiceyfruit

    Just because corruption generally exists on either side of any issue does not mean the issue in question does not exist. To say that 7.5 billion humans & their economies do not effect climate, nature, environment , planet earth is beyond absurd.

    Those who deny the fact that the ever burgeoning overpopulation on this planet obviously effects environmental factors already have a good life for themselves, wish to maintain that good life or they can profit from the world as it is. It only worries them that everything is the best for themselves while they do not care a jot what happens with the world, nature, the fauna and flora, as well as with the humanity when they pass on.

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    • Purdy

      Our biosphere has survived numerous radical swings in climate in the past, but never with 6+billion industrializing humans tearing down forests and pouring pollutants into the atmosphere.

      We don’t understanding the interrelationships that go into climate and we will never fully understand exactly how our activities play into climate. Selfish, short-term profit seekers will always use our ignorance of the science to argue that we should continue to shift any costs related to our activities to future generations. (Jake’s solution: have polluters advertise that they are not polluting.) I think that, out of respect for our children, we should instead be humbled by our ignorance and seek lessen our impact.

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  9. Goin'Fawr

    Juicey,ottnott, and Purdy. Thanks for weighing in with some reason; I just don’t have the patience anymore, let alone the time.
    Sure, 5000 years ago it was about 5 degrees (C) warmer in the UK than it is today. But that certainly doesn’t prove that ‘human activity has absolutely no adverse effects on the environment’. It might explain the existence of mythical reptiles there (dragons), but not the devestation of the 19th/20th century coal mines.

    Jake’s loony-right answer, as is his response to almost any progressive idea, is that we should all regress entirely based on the slightest weakness; to throw the baby out with the bath water….

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    • DMG

      Yes, thank you, gentlemen.
      Juiceyfruit – believes in buried spaceships talking to people, etc.
      Ottnot – defender of the fine group formerly known as Acorn.
      Purdy – uhmmm….yeah.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      There wasn’t a whole lot of reason in anything they said so much as feel good assumptions. They presumed we need to stop pollution, like we’ve all been hounded to do from as early on as infants, when, at least in this instant, there’s no real supporting reason to do so.

      I bet if there were no humans, there’d be a lot less man made pollutants to concern yourself with, but I don’t see any of you drinking the cool aid. So why are you chocking it down when there are many broad indications that this crisis isn’t supported by any real scientific evidence?

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  10. zephler

    Jake – do you believe in something called pollution? Do you think that toxic substances exist or is that just left wing hippy make believe? It is humans that will be harmed by our actions – of course the planet will be fine – it is human health that will be impacted by our release of toxins. Jake, since you think that the earth can never be harmed, and it is simply too big for us to change, take a bottle of benzene and pour it around your yard every year for the next 5 or so years – you should be fine, because there is no such thing as pollution or toxic substances, your yard (which is a part of the earth) is simply too big and too complex of a thing to ever be understood by you, and it is so old and has survived so many different things in the past billion years or so, that there is no way that human intervention could ever harm it. And that cancer that you may get is just some made up condition, that is so complex it could never be linked to your lawn of benzene. And if you don’t get cancer, well then you have just proved that benzene does not cause cancer. But seriously, does the right think that something called pollution exists? If not, why don’t they offer their backyards to store hazardous chemical waste? They could make alot of money housing the stuff, heck you could store hundreds of pounds of mercury, arsenic, benzene, lead, thallium, organo-mercuric complexes, halogenated hydrocarbons – well why not? None of this stuff could ever harm the earth – it is too big to hurt, and the ocean is too large to ever think that another country could be across it

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    • DMG

      Excellent analogy and overall, a great argument, professor zephler.

      I especially like all those big words like ‘halogenated hydrocarbons’.

      I’ve just changed my mind about Cap & Trade.

      Thank you.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      The key difference between your aromatic atrocity and the real world is that, here, in the world, the “pollution” you’re trying to regulate is an essential byproduct of life. It is as fundamental as you sitting there breathing. And realistically, we have no idea how much of carbon “pollution” is attributable to human industrial activity versus simple human and animal existence or planetary function.

      However, what is really important to this discussion is that, far from admitting they had no idea what the answer to this simple question was, a group of villains marking themselves as scientists claimed to know just that, while suckering in the masses with “feel good” moral imperatives and, all the while, setting themselves up to make an obscene amount of money.

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      • The_Real_Hmmmm

        The greatest way to make the most amount of money is when the audience knows the least. From magicians to Chinese factory owners to polar cap melting pleas, it’s all about the largest margins off of the least informed.

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        • DMG

          Mortgage Banking 101

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          • The_Real_Hmmmm

            They were the nefarious Western form of the classic Far East magician. They used NINJA tricks: No Income No Job (no) Assets.

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    • TA

      Pollution is a total different discussion from climate change and CO2

      No one will argue it shouldn’t be elminated immedately. The earth has been toxicated as severely before and will recover but the effect on our immedately future is the issue.

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    • Woodshedder

      Who the fuck is against pollution? Not many I know. I want my kids to have clean air and water, be able to eat the fish they catch out of lakes, rivers, and streams, and to be able to see mountains without the fucking tops blown off and the debris sent to the valley stream beds.

      The thing is, AGW has hijacked all of these causes, and trumped them, to where there is nothing be done anymore. And this is all in the name of giving gov’ts and some private individuals more of your tax dollars.


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  11. DMG

    “The Copenhagen summit next week will generate vast quantities of HOT AIR. It will see 16,500 people coming in from 192 countries. That amounts to 41,000 tons of carbon dioxide, roughly the same as the carbon emissions of Morocco in 2006. Also, the organisers will lay 900 kilometres of computer cable and 50,000 square miles of carpet. More than 200,000 meals will be served and visitors will drink 200,000 cups of coffee — at least that will be organic. ” [maybe they will be k-cups?]

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  12. chanci

    So, it must be hot up there on that rock, for them all to take their clothes off, eh? Yikes, at first glance it looks like a mass sacrifice in the making.

    I’m really glad you are doing a thread on this subject, Jake. You should do a poll, to see where everyone on this site stands. It would be interesting, and I agree with you that it is important to get this subject out there and in discussion.

    I come from a family of scientists who don’t buy into it, so of course that is my stance, but I know people who have completely stopped talking to each other over it. It’s a very emotionally charged subject, because the people who Gore has believing, really do care. And the people who don’t buy into it, really do care, too.

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  13. Teahouse On The Tracks
    Teahouse On The Tracks

    Chalk it up to sunspots or solar flares … I remember a prediction years ago that we were entering a period of solar flares that could affect our telecommunications, climate, etc. I buy into the ozone hole from our man-made chemicals cause I have to believe in something from the scientific community or risk being called an asshole by my peers. But as for GW I think it is a global phenomena that occurs in cycles quite naturally as a result of our solar/lunar orbit, fires, volcanoes, gas, decay, forestry and man/animals.


    “This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the “Little Ice Age” when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past. The connection between solar activity and terrestrial climate is an area of on-going research.”

    Bear in mind that this data is somewhat limited and who can vouch for the accuracy of the data or the motives of those who have gathered it but I am going with this for now as again, my peers expect me to have an explanation for not believing what they believe and it is my best excuse for driving high HP vehicles, going to drag races and loving muscle cars.

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    • JakeGint

      Fact is, they are the ones who want to control everyone’s life to such an egregious degree. The burden of proof is therefore on THEM.

      And they haven’t any unsullied proof.


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  14. JakeGint

    Apologies for not being around today folks…. I had the day at the dentist, and then, the oral surgeon… from hell.

    I may blog about it when the Vikes wear off….


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  15. chanci

    OMG, the last dentist I went to was a masochist of the first degree. He wasn’t an oral surgeon, but he was THE dentist from hell. I actually got up and left halfway through, didn’t even let him sand down the filling. I swear I kept seeing the nazi swasika reflected in his irises. I didn’t even let him finish. I started crying on the way out. No lie. And I have good teeth.

    A good dentist is someone to hold on to, for sure. I wish I had one. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to take tranquilizers at the very thought of visiting him/her.

    Growing up in the military, and having to visit the military dentists, with their mean, slap happy little hands and their nasty, beady little eyes, you learned to keep quiet and take it like a soldier. Well, I’m not a soldier and I don’t have to take it any more…

    sorry, I digress.

    Treu story.

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  16. chanci

    No offense to any IBC dentists in the house.

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  17. JakeGint

    One last comment from the inimitable Mark Steyn, showing that it’s not just the ManBearPig Gorebot who’s the brazen hypocrite in these matters, but the head of the sainted IPCC himself:

    Come Fry with Me [Mark Steyn]

    In order to save the planet from global roasting, it seems entirely reasonable to ask Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peasant to subordinate their freedom of movement to an annual “carbon allowance” preventing them flying hither and yon and devastating the environment. As Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), explains:

    Hotel guests should have their electricity monitored; hefty aviation taxes should be introduced to deter people from flying; and iced water in restaurants should be curtailed, the world’s leading climate scientist has told the Observer.

    Rajendra Pachauri? Hey, if you’re manning the VIP lounge at Heathrow, that name may ring a bell:

    Dr Rajendra Pachauri flew at least 443,243 miles on IPCC business in this 19 month period. This business included honorary degree ceremonies, a book launch and a Brookings Institute dinner, the latter involving a flight of 3500 miles.

    Wow. 443,243 miles. How many flying polar bears does Dr. Pachauri kill in an average quarter? Well, not to worry, he probably offsets his record-breaking ursocide with carbon credits from carbon billionaire Al Gore.

    And in any case it’s okay to devastate the planet on IPCC business — plus the occasional cricket match:

    So strong is his love for cricket that his colleagues recall the time the Nobel winner took a break during a seminar in New York and flew in to Delhi over the weekend to attend a practice session for a match before flying back. Again, he flew in for a day, just to play that match.

    And why not? Aside from a slight increase in the risk of polar bears dropping from the skies onto stray Indian bowlers and wicket-keepers, where’s the harm?

    P.S. I like the headline on Dr. Pachauri’s climate’n’cricket story: “Heat On Cricket Pitch Warms This Climate Change Laureate.” If you’re waiting for some journalist to ask him about the contradictions between his lifestyle and the one he wants the rest of us to submit to, that sound you hear is cricketers chirping.

    11/30 03:02 PMShare (c/o National Review On-Line & Mark Steyn)


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  18. Teahouse On The Tracks
    Teahouse On The Tracks

    Whadda FTK’n hypocrite ……..

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