Here is a little data for you concerning performance in the month of October for Bitcoin.
You’re probably thinking “this time is different”, but are you prepared to live with that decision? We are bullish in the intermediate term, barreling headfirst into Hallow’s Eve.
My day went as expected, extracted +48bps from the market and closed up 2% for the week. I have been slumping, so it’s good to see a little progress. You have to understand, and let this be known, I am presently at the desk looking at the market maybe 2 hours per day, now that I am “getting back in the biz” and taking calls with prospective investors. For those wanting to inquire, email me at flybroker at gmail.
Other than that, my lawn looks like absolute shit, which is particularly disheartening since I’ve put so much fucking effort into the damn thing. Alas, I might have to just sell this stupid house to escape this lawn. It’s so embarrassing.
Mrs. Fly is at the door now waiting for me to drive her to Whole Foods, where we will spend $500 on a few bags of groceries. After that, I might partake in a little dry gin martini drinking, some light jazz music, and perhaps a small morsel of food to ingest, not too much as I like to avoid being rotund.
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