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Yearly Archives: 2021

Y’all a bunch of Shitcoiners

I leave for a few months and this place turns into iBankShitcoins.

Catching up on a few posts I see the slinging of true garbage with due diligence along the lines of “Some of them even have a working website”.

It’s not hard to bank coin on Shitcoins. I get it. Here is a mock portfolio I put together on March 8th.

I’ve watched the market lose it’s damn mind pumping BTC to over $60k and the BTCBSV ratio touched over 300:1

Incredible. I didn’t see that happening. To say I’ve been salty is an understatement.

Has this changed my investment thesis on BSV? No.

But my timing has been awful. I’m ahead of the market and I lost out on some major opportunities. It all means nothing now.

So here we are, MARKETS IN TURMOIL.

Will we have a 2018 style crash or a deep dip and resume moon lambo time?

I don’t know, but I’ll point to a few things to watch.

BTC fees are $50 and rising.

There is a crisis hitting BTC hashpower as a coal factory in China exploded.

I know it sucks to have to think through a problem but …

Enjoy the Shitcoin profits but FFS put aside some funds in something with staying power you degenerates.



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