Donald's Penthouse

The Startling Plan Of Black Lives Matter: Will They Succeed?

I am going to tell you something that seems so foreign to many of you that you may not believe at first. You may dismiss it as a conspiracy theory — but listen. I know how it looks, I know how it sounds. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t come across the facts of the matter. So I encourage you to research the matter and draw your own conclusions.

The shockingly disturbing fact of the matter is that there are white puppeteers behind black lives matter who are working towards the destruction of racial relations. They wish only to promote more racial chaos for their own personal gain.  Their goal is political profiteering and Marxism. They want to preserve their own careers of profiteering off of racial chaos.

In other words, black lives don’t matter to “Black Lives Matter”. At least not to the white leaders behind the dark shadows on the top of the organization. That’s why the leftists–or more specifically the white anarchist-marxists–are using blacks like soldiers on the front lines, hoping they are killed by cops so they become martyrs.

If you are well read, you probably know all about the racist profiteer Shaun King – the white person who cheated another black person out of a scholarship by claiming to be black so he could qualify instead under affirmative action laws instead of whomever was next in line… The person who somehow became one of the pro Marxist “leaders” of BLM… at least as much as he could after others in the movement realized he was a fraud.

But you may not know about the role of white leftist intellectuals like Lisa Fithian and terrorist Bill Ayers the community organizing Saul Alinsky tactician in regards to black lives matter. You may not know about the connections of the slimy tentacles of political activist financier George Soros dangling money in front of the money whores who dance like puppets and sell their souls for their puppetmaster’s money.

BLM groups have also joined with the Communist Party USA, the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, SEIU, Color of Change, and many other unions and organizations with ties to George Soros money, and Mr. Soros has donated millions to the “cause” and growing, including paying Lisa Fithian to train blacks to “create crisis”.

To them, putting blacks in harms way and teaching other black leaders tactics (allegedly for “peaceful protest” tactics) that will elicit responses is their way of operating. Teaching blacks to antagonize, provoke, and threaten cops with the intent of trying to get the cops to fire on blacks, all for the sake of crisis politics… is simply their modus operandi.

These disgusting leftists love seeing blacks get shot by cops so they can continue to spread chaos, and use chaos to profit personally and politically.

These Marxists radicals (by their own admissions) don’t care about destruction and cost to the city and damage to other black owned businesses like in North Carolina. In fact, they want the US to burn. Bill Ayers bombed the pentagon. He “gets up everyday thinking today’s the morning he’s going to end capitalism” and considers the US “a terrorist nation who is a threat to world peace”. He is pathologically insane. He once said “The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war”. Black Lives Matter is simply one of his vehicles. Blacks are merely his pawns to be sacrificed in waging war against the United States.

These Anarchist-Marxists don’t care that in Baltimore that they are crying institutional racism and burning the city down while leaving a black president, black attorney general, black mayor, and majority black police force along with a city with a majority black populous to deal with the consequences of the manufactured crisis. And they certainly don’t care about the crime rate, the rate at which blacks resist arrest and the rate at which blacks kill other blacks. Furthermore, they know that these facts go against their narrative, so they have conditioned people to be “triggered” to think pointing these facts out is “racist”… because without the ability to cast someone else as the enemy, without the ability to divide people by class and race, they have no movement. And without a movement, they wouldn’t have the chaos and hysteria politics that move lobbyists to push for policy, that fund lobbyists, and that create profit opportunities for the elite, for the paid lobbying groups and corporate lawyers as well as their lawfirms, and for those who occasionally also profit as a result of specific policies. Without this movement by which people are willing to pay them to speak, to train, and to create more chaos while pretending to solve the problem, they wouldn’t have their greed inspired purposes, while blaming capitalists for the very greed they are guilty of.

If you really paid attention, this should have been no surprise to you. Anita Moncrief in Andrew Breitbart’s film Occupy Unmasked predicted these same anarchist-Marxists like Lisa Fithian who were involved heavily in “community organizing” (code for creating civil unrest for personal gain) during Occupy Wallstreet would be preparing blacks for what she called the “next stage” at the time. She predicted it would be much more violent than occupy. I don’t have a video clip because of copyright, but I think it’s halfway through the movie.

[[Side tangent: It’s important to understand that a very, very small percentage of blacks are involved in the “black lives matter” movement. They will use a bully tactic to try to silence you for speaking out. They will say the fact you speak out against the movement to try to label you “racist” and discredit you. It’s very unfair to judge an entire race or group of people by how they’re portrayed as on TV, but to black lives matter, they rely on these stereotypes, while blaming those who live out in the country or in mostly white communities who’s primary exposure to black people is what’s on TV. They are baiting the other side. That is what the anarchist-Marxists want. They want you to believe you have to “pick sides” and that if you’re against BLM, you’re “against blacks” while they are the racists. They want you to believe black lives matter and their behavior is representative of minorities so it creates blowback. The more division and blowback, the more their movement grows.]]

Occupy Wallstreet was mostly the dry run done with mostly whites. It was your trust fund babies plus the unknowing college kids (and others of the radical left like Lisa Fithian would organize) that the SEIU would send busses full of people. The people leading the charge would march them off to a bank while banging drums, yelling chants and inciting disorder. They were well aware people would get arrested for trespassing if they entered the bank, and so they would hold the door open for them so the door holders wouldn’t be charged, while the unaware lemmings would be, just so it could make headlines and be seen on tape and increase frustration and attention and chaos.

They would intentionally block bridges with the hope that there would be people getting arrested. If anyone was maced or tazed, “even better” for the left as they get off on the smell of burning flesh electrocuting the air as long as it pushes their narrative. The goal was someone would resist arrest and you could get “police brutality” on tape, and fuel more chaos that they could profit from.

Lisa Fithian once said, “When people ask me, ‘What do you do?’ I say, ‘I create crisis,'” Fithian continued. “Because crisis is the leading edge where change is possible.”

Crisis at the expense of black lives and inducing pain for the purpose of power and influence?


Need Organized Crime? “Better Call Saul!”

Lisa Fithian left out the well documented playbook of Saul Alinsky who profited from politics in the outside by largely applying mob tactics to politics.

Hillary met with Saul Alinsky and looked up to him, but her one point of disagreement with him was that’s Saul wanted to profit in the shadows and remain invisible and profit from the outside as a paid “community organizer” that could promise a result and offer plausible deniability. Hillary wanted to influence government from the inside and envisioned doing so. She envisioned greater opportunity from being closer to the government money as well as the lobbying money and underground trade of favors and votes. Her college dissertation was on Saul Alinsky and of course she recognized Bill’s persuasion skills and rode his coat tails to Arkansas governor and later the whitehouse. If you need any proof that she succeeded in profiting from politics just look at her net worth of over $40M when she claims she left the whitehouse in 2000 broke and in debt, while claiming to fight for the impoverished.

But I digress.

Calling Lisa Fithian racist is an understatement as racist is an overused term so let me be clear…
Setting up blacks to be unknowing soldiers on the front lines literally may be as Racist as one can be in modern times without getting arrested, and if you ask me, she should be. If someone can be jailed for manslaughter for taking away stop signs, Lisa Fithian, Bill Ayers (who also bombed the pentagon), and anyone else who intentionally puts blacks in harms way intentionally for profit should at least be in jail for the same crime. Even if there no proven intent to harm, they should be just as guilty.

But when Lisa Fithian talks about creating crisis, to me that signals the desire to create conflict that results in harm. While she may or may not wish for the harm to occur, she does everything to ensure that a breeding ground for harm in the form of chaos is created. So we are not just talking about someone that should be guilty of manslaughter (in my mind). If there was intent on influencing not just people, but specifically black people to lead groups in a provocative way with the hopes of getting them killed then I consider that worse than a hate crime, that’s attempted mass murder AND a hate crime and she and anyone else involved should be publically declared an enemy of the state. At the very least, she should be grilled to answer a lot of questions very publicly.

If a drug dealer (the person who orchestrated the crime) is more guilty than a drug user (the person who facilitated the crime), and a drug lord (the master financier and operator behind several similar operations) is even worse, then I guess that makes Lisa Fithian worse than any crime done on the “frontlines” and slimy George Soros equivalent to public enemy #1 and equivalent to a genocidal regime.

Lisa Fithian was paid money from George Soros (the evil puppeteer) to train blacks “how to protest” with the intention of creating crisis. In other words, he paid for Fithian to create a course on what amounts to “How to get blacks killed for fun and profit.” But is marketed as something more similar to “how to fight for justice”.

Here’s an illustration of what they inspired: (graphic description with actual killing removed)

She taught her kid to fight the cop every second. To not get out of their car without kicking and screaming. She held a shotgun and used her kid as a shield. These are the types of bloodshed inspiring tactics that create chaos. I imagine from witnessing these results as well as repeatedly provocative taunting by members in a mass crowd to a small number of police trying to clear entire major interstates blocked by “Black Lives Matter” that similar tactics are taught to incite a response by one side or another.

These are provocative, threatening tactics that will get people killed: Resist arrest, carry a weapon, get it on camera, reach for the weapon because they’re “going to kill you anyways” and make sure it’s streamed live to Periscope or Facebook. Looks like she went an extra step and announced her intent to resist until death and used her kid as a shield creating a hostage situation that further validated the cops shooting her at the first clean shot they got.

The left pretends to stand on the “moral high ground” while labeling the right “racists” for wanting “law and order”, pointing to policies that seek to reduce crime as “disproportionately hurting minorities” (It also disproportionally helps the innocent minorities, and overall does more good than harm). But the change makers behind the left’s “accomplishments” are the heartless, toxic sewage of society that are literally planning ways to put more potential victims at risk.

Unfortunately in the process of enforcing crime, some people resist arrest and some resists lead to death which makes the George Soros happy because he likes to see the movement he funds grow in size.

My personal policy prescription would be to eliminate the profit center of gangs through decriminalization of marijuana on a nation wide basis and tax it, and eliminating stupid laws that turns the police into the IRS and distracts them from real crimes, while at the same time aggressively enforcing every law left on the book such as vandalism, destruction of property and especially going after crime at the source. I would also run every study possible on how to reduce the crime retention rate and test the results on a small scale and roll out the best results. This might put me at ends with both parties for various reasons, but I think there’s enough common ground to push this, or initially push a more extreme version with the intention of this being the end point of compromise.

Let’s be clear… Some claims of Black Lives Matter are legitimate. The cops that shoot unarmed compliant men or even men running away like in North Carolina with Walter Scott are murderers and should absolutely be tried and put away for murder or given the death penalty (after due process) every time. Period.

But the intentional blurring of the lines and attempting to put Walter Scott in the same category as Michael Brown and to put Michael Slager and Darren Wilson (only Slager committed 1st degree murder) in the same category is despicable. As so is the radical intention of putting blacks in harms way for the “movement” that seeks to bring down USA and dovode everyone on team USA by color, as so is putting a bounty on the head of cops as the black panthers did prior to the Dallas mass shooting of police.

But if we’re calling out the racists, let’s call out George Soros who was one of many financiers of BLM who once expressed no remorse for nazi collaboration during world war 2 and even called it the happiest time of his life. Who’s “culmination of his life’s work” was the financial crisis of 2008. Who financced community organizers involved that have no conscience over getting black people killed and literally sacrificing them for a little extra political influence as the racist filth they are. (Sacrificing them literally by result, not necessarily intent).

Let’s call out Democracy Alliance and their wealthy Democrat donors as well as the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and any other of the white elites who fund these organizations and know full well what they’re doing.

The leftist policy makers don’t want blacks to succeed economically. To be clear, I’m not talking about the voters who are largely unaware of the nefarious things occurring behind the scenes, but the policy makers. That’s because without a large percentage of the black votes democrats don’t win. Studies show that blacks on some form of government assistance are far more likely to vote democrat than those that aren’t. In fact in general, the wealthier you are, the more likely you vote republican. The left’s power depends on Americans being poor, so what incentive do they have to intentionally create massive growth? What incentive do they have to do anything but let the middle class be destroyed, and the wealth shift to the elites through big government corporate socialism?

(There are other graphics that say the same thing that are more updated but are poorly illustrated.)

When a black person dies at the hands of another black, he is a statistic to the left. To the media it’s not a story with reporting or granting emotional empathy. When a black is killed by a cop, it’s good business for white intellectual anarchist liberal-extremists like Lisa Fithian, and good business for big media. Why would any heartless politician or community organizer actually want to do anything about stopping black people from dying when they continue to get blood money from it, and continue to move the country more to the left, and continue to get reelected in the process as a result?

Deplorable, despicable, and unconscionable.

By the way, the big six companies that own virtually all of media also own all of the major record labels and their minor subsidiaries. So glorifying and promoting musicians that sell the thug life and inspire drug use, thug life, criminal behavior and gang warfare are just the marketing side of the democrats blood money inc, and one way to monetize and promote criminal behavior simultaneously. It also serves the purpose of dividing the other side, trying to place all black people in this “category” and portray all blacks as “thugs” or portray them as “super predators” to borrow Hillary’s term.

Fortunately, most people that vote democrat aren’t this bad, they’re just unknowing enablers of the Marxist elite that is progressive and has taken over the majority of the democrat party… This progression is currently progressing on society like a cancerous tumor, while people watch their city burn into the ground while the cry of the racist black lives matter is repeated that “If I die in police custody, burn this shit down”. Indeed they will, and indeed they have. They want a Marxist revolution, and they will use blacks to do it, and will use every form of persuasion possible to convince you that they’re on “your side” in the process while they stab you in the back and laugh gleefully as America chokes on it’s own blood.

The regressive authoritarian left (as opposed to the now marginalized classic liberals and libertarian leaning left) is the greatest threat to America right now, and if the right doesn’t realize what is at stake and sell this narrative, it will be too late to fight any other threat including ISIS. They will take us into WW3 if they have to. Hillary’s own words of a no fly zone in Syria combined with the information from generals is enough proof whether or not you read my post on WWIII and the update.

See The Roots Of Black Lives Matter Unveiled

Also, see this video:

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