Donald's Penthouse

The Russian Election War


Ladies and Gentlemen we are battling a proxy war with Russia in the middle east. This war story starts with sanctions that the US under Obama put on Putin in 2014 in attempts to harm their economy, decrease Putin’s popularity and overthrow Putin to install a leader more favorable to the US agenda. It backfired as the Russian citizens are not so easily fooled by US media and Putin’s approval skyrocketed to 90%. The US appears to be backing the Sunnis and the Russians appear to be backing the Shias.

The war propaganda continues with loud open speculation that Russia is behind anything and everything. This has to occur because Russia is no longer communist, so we can’t wage an ideological war. They aren’t gasing their own people that we know of or doing anything that would justify it on humanitarian grounds. Neither country has land or territory that it wants to conquest and claim as it’s own so it’s not a clash of empire building. (Perhaps nation building and battle over resources in the middle east but that’s suppressed if true). There is not a clear reason why we should not want to be allies with the developed super powers of the world and work together towards economic development.

I’m not ruling out that there isn’t some valid reason, or information those in power have that the rest of us don’t that justifies war, but nothing out in the open does. So propaganda (perhaps on both sides), is virtually required. They are one of the few countries that would produce mutually assured destruction at best if things escalate, and they could very quickly.

So… How does this connect with the election?

One or more of these things is false:
-Trump has no chance of winning and “he’s done” after the access Hollywood tape and allegations that followed, and “Hillary in a landslide”
-Media is outraged that Trump may not accept the results, and this position is “illogical”.
-Russia hacking may alter the result of the election, therefore nullifying the result and justifying it’s cancellation, and therefore challenging results should be “logical”
-Trump is silly for “whining about rigged election”. Hillary though would somehow be justified (cognitive dissonance much?)
-The US “knows for certain the Russian government was behind this hack”. (This one is absolutely false as any capable hacker can spoof an IP and/or use a proxy server, and an IP address only gives you a general location without telling you if it was a citizen, government, contractor, etc)

These things are all incompatible with each other, but people seem absolutely convinced individually that one or another is true. It seems pretty odd that the story is how Trump wants to keep his options open and won’t make a decision in advance of seeing what occurs as if this should matter.

If wanting a fair, representative election is a “threat to our democracy” as touted (we’re actually a representative republic)… then is it really a democracy? (Or a truly, fairly represented republic?). This type of language to an enraged public provokes emotion, which can be channeled against a common enemy.

This type of language combined with the attempt to block RTV and silence Russian opinion is a pattern consistent with the drums of war.

I heard a rumor I mostly dismissed initially that the US would allege that Russia rigged the election. There may have been a post before this. There was also a few follow ups. It was just before a few stories emerged one after another about Russia and hacking that have drip fed into the media. Joe Biden announces “secret plan” to cyber attack Russia, Russia officially blamed for hacking DNC, Russia blamed for trying to hack elections, etc.

This was also before Russia TV’s bank accounts were shut down in Britain to minimize the propaganda and counter propaganda and silence the other side.

russian warships

Russian airfleet cruiser ship

Russian Ships headed for Aleppo


This perhaps just is a proverbial “flexing of the muscles”, but hopefully this illustrates what’s at stake here.


Russian Preparing For Nuclear War.

Nuclear war drills re-positioning ICBM.

The establishment seems to want war, and when you define an enemy as someone that could end all earthly life if you fail, rigging an election or even funding terror groups just seems like “acceptable collateral damage” once you go down that path.

Perhaps they want war to sell war bonds, perhaps because they believe the myth that war is good for the economy, perhaps they just want to replace Putin for someone more favorable to other goals. I won’t speculate, but the rabbit hole burrows deep, if you connect Russians goal to put a pipeline through eastern Europe, Foreign policy decisions involving arming Al Queda in Iraq which became ISIS. Wiping out Qaddafi and ALSO withdrawing prior to the 2012 election against the advice of his advisors Director Leon Ponetta and Defense secretary Robert Gates eliminating anything that would keep religious zealots in check long after Sadaam was killed. (US forces and Qadaffi was all that remained in the middle east). All these things likely got us to where we are now. There’s much information I am not privy to, and perhaps some misinformation I’m going by, so I won’t speculate on intentions.

I don’t know if this is to be Cold War 2, World War 3, or just a proxy war in the middle east where both countries refuse to attack the homelands. Hopefully it’s just tensions that will deescalate rather than the preamble to something much worse.

Some of the best persuaders in the world have done all they can to make Trump look like Hitler and “finger on the nuclear button” to scare the hell out of people that Trump will somehow be a bigger threat than the road we’re currently on that involves taking on the world’s largest (or certainly one of the most potent) military superpowers. OF all that’s made about Trumps “finger on the button” it appears they’re worried that Trump will move his hand completely away and shake hands with Putin instead and try to charm him and make friends. Trump would prefer to be friendly to Putin and even give up the imperial goals of nation building (while probably getting something in exchange). This is seen as a “threat” to the establishment. The US defense contracts, the military industrial complex, the thousands of military advisors who are employed due to conflicts, and many of the foreign policy advisors, many of which paid by defense contractors to beat the drums of war, and perhaps even the CIA and counter terrorist units in the FBI. These warmongerers want so badly for their to be conflict in the middle east that they will take on Russia in the process even at risk of WWIII (or WW3 for the millennials). Except so far they haven’t made a good case (that I am aware of) to the public to justify any conflict or potential with Russia.

This is the opposite of conspiracy theory because people aren’t conspiring. Instead, it’s self interest at work of individuals that just happen to have the same goals and can work behind the curtain of public view while the eyeballs focus on the elected president and the media mouthpiece that is largely connected with the establishment.

Hillary will shame Putin, talk of how he’s “weak” and back a caged lion into a corner and force him to respond with strength rather than negotiate and look for common ground and appeal to Putin and compliment him as long as he’s willing to do the same back.

Do I think the self interest will cause people to consciously, knowingly risk others lives for their own sake? No. Advisors and establishment will protect their own skin first, and then try to do the best job after their bias of self preservation  (including preserving their jobs from someone they wrongly believe to be less qualified and more dangerous). There bias will filter the information they receive, and they will make the best decision from there.

This political theater is not just about the election, but the future of our country as those in power will not give it up, even if it means risking an all out war. And once there is a clear enemy, funding terror groups, (even those who behead others who have different beliefs) is just “collateral damage” to battle Russia and there will be no incentives outside of a substantial regime change for either side to back down since it’s mostly civilian lives at risk, not their own until it’s too late.

Trump has been labeled “the next Hitler” by the best people in the world at persuasion with hundreds of million dollars or even billions at their disposal to try to take this election. If you think you’re going up against the next Hitler, you have little risk of getting caught, high upside and little oversight, you are going to see fraud virtually every time.

Certainly people will make attempts on a micro scale to change the election whether it’s ballot stuffing, or burning ballots or bringing in boxes of absentee ballots already counted, as well as the James Okeefe videos showing that individuals will do whatever they can to try to influence the election..

Now, that doesn’t mean there won’t be fraud on the other side. It doesn’t mean that it will actually make a difference to the result of the election. It may not be enough, or it may not need to be done to change the outcome.

Now, it’s easy for things that look similar to trigger confirmation bias and for people on both sides to make assumptions. Perhaps there’s election propaganda that looks like war propaganda and vise versa. Perhaps this is just a small military conflict and there will be nothing more to it… But if there’s even a very small chance that the risks are as high as they could be, you are talking about the end of civilization as we know it as the downside.

So would you take a guy who might be slightly overly prejudiced, or keep the people in power that want to escalate conflicts and don’t fully comprehend how close they may be to ending civilization?

Hillary Clinton of all people with her Mushroom Cloud shaped head, her emperor Mao clothing and her terminator robotic actions has called Putin soulless. Russia does not fuck around. When he says they will destroy America in nuclear war if Hillary is elected, there’s a good chance he’s not joking, or just maneuvering to influence the election.



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One comment

  1. helicopter ben

    Putin wants control over the areas close to Russia and this jives with the Globalist one world government agenda. The war in Syria was started to prevent a Russian pipeline that would greatly improve their control of resources in the region. The four regions that matter are the US, Europe, China, and Russia. The US is allied first with Europe and so Russia’s power plays in the middle East and Eastern Europe are met with resistance from the US because it takes away power from Europe and our direct allies Israel and Saudi Arabia. We can’t ditch Europe for Russia because we are ideologically similar at the top levels with respect to consolidating money and trade mostly for the benefit of the elite. So proxy wars with Russia are the only option.

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